Friday, June 27, 2008

Turkey Kielbasa Sausage Caserole

I got the original version for this recipe over at Prairie Homemaker from one of the ladies, I just can't remember from whom, and I have lost my printed copy of the recipe, so this may be slightly different from the original.


6 inch piece Kielbasa sausage, skinned and sliced, we like the turkey variety
3 potatoes
1 onion, sliced
1 pepper, chopped
1/4 cabbage, shredded
2 tablespoons oil
1/2 cup water
salt and pepper
Any other spice you like

Peel potatoes and cut in half and par-boil them for ten minutes, drain and slice.

You need to use a skillet with a tight fitting lid to make this recipe. To the skillet, add the oil, onion and pepper, and cook on a medium heat until softened, about five minutes.

Add sliced sausage and cook on a medium/high heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add potatoes and cook for another five minutes, again stirring occasionally. If the sausage and potatoes get a little crispy that is good, to my mind.

Add cabbage, 1/2 cup water and any seasoning you may like. Do not stir.

Place lid on pan, and turn down the heat to medium/low and cook for 15 minutes, you want to simmer the mixture.

When done stir and serve.

Dh had two plates full, I had the one and there is enough left over for me for lunch tomorrow.

To make it stretch add more cabbage and potatoes. Slice the sausage thinner, you could also add other veggies, it is a very versatile recipe. Good way to use up those cabbages and peppers from the garden.

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