Monday, June 30, 2008

Menu planning and grocery challenge for June.

Well after last week's success with my menu plan I am doing it again. Eating out of the freezer, fridge and pantry and trying to save a little money.

Here is our menu for the week.

Sunday: Chicken sandwiches and coleslaw, we ate out at lunch time

Monday: Burgers, ceaser salad and bbq potatoes

Tuesday: Chicken wraps & garden salad OR chicken with rice, corn and onions

Wednesday: Homemade macaroni and cheese, and garlic bread

Thursday: Chicken pies, fries and baked beans

Friday: Pizza and garden salad

Saturday: Burgers and garden salad

Its a bit heavy on chicken this week, but on Saturday night I popped a whole chicken in the crockpot with a little water and seasoning and cooked it on low overnight. Its the best way to cook chicken in my mind and is so moist done this way. The chicken will feed us for at least a couple of days, plus some lunches.

I have also closed out the month of June for the grocery challenge. I am pleased to say I am under budget. Which was no doubt helped by the fact that we ate out of the fridge and freezer this last week. For the month of July I have set a budget of $300 for groceries, and hope to have $200 in savings.


Sonshine said...

sounds yummy!

How do you make your bbq potatoes??

I am always looking for some new ideas! :)

Great job on coming in under budget for June! Doesn't it feel great? :) I was under budget too! IF I do any shopping today(I have coupons for weekly sale items that expire today!) it will be counted towards July's budget. :)

Gill - That British Woman said...

I chop the potatoes up into small cubes, sprinkle with olive oil, garlic salt and black pepper, and cook on the top rack of the bbq for about 40 minutes.

Now today I have fully cooked potatoes, so will only cook them for around 20 minutes.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...