Sunday, June 15, 2008

Finished the baby quilt..........

This is the first quilt I have made in a while. I had a few scraps of flannel lying around, so figured I may as well put them to good use. I did end up buying the lemon cow print one though, as I didn't have enough material. Not 100% sure what I am going to do with it. My sil in Britain makes quilts for a hospice, so I may end up sending it there.

One thing I do know, that sewing the binding on a flannel quilt in winter is so nice and cosy. The same cannot be said of sewing it in the middle of June with all the heat. Mental note to oneself, only make flannel quilts when its cool/cold outside!!!

Anyhow, here is the front of the quilt:

Close up of the front:

Back of the quilt, remember I was using scraps of material, so the back isn't as nice as the front.

So now my next sewing project, is to make some more produce bags, and then onto the quillows. Then in July I am taking a class on how to quilt a Christmas panel. Its a two morning class and is free when you buy the panel, which I did on the weekend. I figured as the class was free and they always teach you neat little tricks why not take it.


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful quilt. Great work...wishing I had the skills to do the work!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thank you for popping by and for those kind words!

Jasmine's Journey said...

That is really beautiful. Great job!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thank you Jasmine!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I know what you mean about the flannel in summer; I do much more quilting in winter than in the hot months.


That Mom Kelly said...

Oh how beautiful! My youngest daughter has a quilt they gave her to take home when we she left neo natal ICU. They have women that make them and donate them there.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...