Monday, February 12, 2024

Temperature cross stitch update.

Well as you can see by the colours we had a mild week this past week.  We even broke a record last Friday for how warm it was.  I was out and about with just my cardy on.  Friday is the darker yellow day.

For this coming week, we will see more blue and green days. no yellow for this week.  We have a tiny bit of snow still hanging around, but nothing to talk about.

I managed to get a bit more done on the paint by numbers.  It's starting to take shape.  You'll notice I found a use for the magnifying glass.  The numbers are that small, so it's coming in handy for that.  Although painting isn't my thing I find this very relaxing.
I haven't done any reading this week.  Must start another book.

What have you been up too?


Linda said...

I have never heard of the temp thing. It will be intereting to see how it change. I really want to do a paint by number. My brother loved to do them in late 50s early 60s.
Practical Parsimony

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Milder temps here this past week too but woke up to dire reports of freezing rain and extremely icy driving conditions this morning.
As for what I'm working on - starting a new landscape and wondering if what I have in mind for it will translate into actuality. Busy week coming up so won't have much time to devote to it.

My Piece of Earth said...

Cross stitch is coming along and looking great. One of the women in my guild is making a temperature quilt, with the high temp for every day.
For a dollar store paint by number it is a great picture with quite a lot of different colours, I will have to investigate my $ store and have a go at painting.

Joy said...

Loving the temperature cross stitch and the painting by numbers looks fantastic. xx

Jackie said...

Your temperature cross stitch is looking very good. I used to do a great many paint by number as a teenager, but mine just looked like blobs. Yours looks very lovely.

God bless.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Your painting is starting to come together! It looks like fun.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...