Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Busy day on Tuesday........

 Not sure about you, but I don't leave the house everyday.  I hadn't left the house since Saturday, so on Tuesday I ran some errands.

Headed out to Costco for a few things.  This little lot cost just over $86.  I spent $105 at Walmart on Friday.  I guess you just have to smile and pay up right?  Pointless complaining about it, despite the fact it's ridiculous the price of food nowadays.  

The good news, some of this stuff will last multiple weeks.

Popped into HomeSense and picked up these dryer balls.  I have some wool ones and they are icky, so figured I would try the plastic ones.  I paid $9.99 for these.  I could have got a pack of four for the same price, but they looked a lot cheaper quality.  I only use two normally so figured I would give them a try.

Thought it was interesting that it had this little comic strip on the side of the box.
I also picked up this art kit on clearance for $12 and the little sketch book.  I figured I would give my artistic side a whirl with the help of the tik tok videos, to see if there is an artist lurking inside of me somewhere?
I decided to make a quick couscous salad.  1 cup of couscous in a pan of boiling salted water (1 cup of water)  Leave for five minutes or until cooled.  Add in veggies : finally chopped red onion, grape tomatoes, baby cucumber, and a handful of crumbled feta cheese.  Add salad dressing of choice, I used the Kraft Balsamic. 
I decided on a different plan of action with this flipping puzzle and sorted the remaining pieces into same shaped piles.  I WILL GET THIS PUZZLE FINISHED THIS WEEK!!!
Decided to get a 45 minutes session in on the treadmill.  I try and do this a few times a week.  As you can see I walked 2.362 miles or 3.8 km.  The 317 is calories and my speed was between 3.0 - 3.2 miles per hour.  Incline only got up to 2, as my ligaments are tight behind my knees.
Wednesday will be a day spent in the house.

Update: by supper time on Tuesday I had finished the puzzle, sorting out the puzzle pieces into shapes helped a lot.


Joy said...

I'm filled with admiration - that jigsaw looks fiendish!! xx

Linda said...

Do those dryer balls work okay? I worry about wool from China.

Angela said...

Well done on the jigsaw!i don't use dryer balls - mainly because I very rarely use a dryer, my washing dries outside when the weather is good, and in the house on a rack when it is wet outside.

Jeanie said...

That couscous salad looks really terrific! I'm going to have to do that. I can't walk into Costco without spending $100. On about 10 things....

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I sometimes miss Costco but not enough to travel well over an hour just to get to one. Who knows, if our town population explodes as they're predicting (hopefully not!), maybe we'll end up with one here.
We have some dryer balls (homemade ones) but haven't used them since covid hit because we've been hanging all our laundry to dry. HAving an extra expansion rod over the bathtub is perfect for that. At over $3 per load we've saved quite a bit of money too.

Chris said...

We tend to do that with jigsaws just go the shapes when they're all seem the same colours, you did well on your treadmill I only do minutes!

angela said...

I’m impressed. I just don’t have the patience to do jigsaws
As for food prices. I’m like you. It is what it is and complaining isn’t going to help.
It’s still very annoying

Jackie said...

I actually went out on Saturday to pick up a few things and check out the second hand stores. I had thought about donating my Actifry.... But in the one store there were 14 of them, some so covered in dust they had been there for so long.

God bless.

Chris said...

Your Couscous sounds delicious - it's something I forget about preparing but so quick and easy!

Linda said...

I don't visit blogs that often anymore, sort of given up on my website except for a place to keep track of my recipes. Do you have a Shoppers Drug Mart nearby? On Thursday there is a senior discount. The milk and bananas are the same price as other places but you can get 20% discount on them. You only get the discount on regular prices so I make sure I check their flyer first. Things like Advil, bought with the discount, are worthwhile. I sound like and ad for SDM, but I'm not. Just know that in this day and age you need to save every penny you can.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...