Saturday, February 24, 2024

If you have a KitchenAid mixer

 have you seen these:

They are hooks/knobs that either stick or can be screwed into your cupboards to hang up your mixer attachments too.  I didn't use the screws, just stuck them up.  Other's don't come with the adhesive, just screws.

They come in packs of four and I got mine from Amazon.  I find them awkward to store, so popped mine in the back of a cupboard.  They are $16.99 per package and you can find them here.  I don't know if it will work for other stand mixer attachment brands.

I just realized while I was writing this I have had my mixer for 20 years.  Mine is cream in colour and still works great.

Do you have a KitchenAid mixer, what colour is it, and how old is it?


Linda said...

I wish I had one. It would be red or maybe pink.

angela said...

Had to buy a new mixer and I looked at the kitchen aids. Oh my they’re so expensive
If I used them more I’d consider buying one. But since I use my mixer once or twice a year I went for a cheaper one. It’s perfect for what I need.
I usually use the hand mixer which I got as a wedding present 35 years ago. It’s still going strong. But sometimes you just have to use a bench top mixer.
Mine is red. So it goes faster lol

Carolyn said...

I have a KitchenAid that is over 40 years old. My husband has refurbished it a couple of times over the years, and it's going strong. I just store the attachments in the bowl and it's always worked well for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gill, what a great idea! My attachments are in a drawer and many times I have to wrestle them out of the drawer. I have had my Kitchen Aid for 22 years. Mine is white. Like Angela I have a little electric hand mixer we received as a wedding present 40 years ago. It still works great.

My Piece of Earth said...

I don't have a KitchenAid mixer, I use a hand held mixer, which is just fine for the amount of times I need to use it.

If, I did a lot of baking etc. I might consider getting one, but Oh my, they are pricey.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Ours is a blue professional one (lucked out and got it from the Home Shopping Channel where we NEVER shop). It's a heavy brute of a thing and has to sit out on the counter all the time. Just showed your 'hook holders' to Resident Chef and will be ordering them next time we put in an Amazon order. Thank you!

Carolyn said...

Oh, I forgot to say mine is cream colored too.

50 and counting said...

Big Red is around 12 years old. Walmart was selling KitchenAids for $197, so I headed down to the nearest to grab one.

I just store the three attachments in the bowl and drape a tea towel over it to keep it from getting dusty.

I still have my hand mixer from 1990 and use it more than Big Red.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I have a black one that is probably 15+ years old. I never saw those hooks for the attachments! Mine are in a basket with other baking thingies.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I have had a kitchen aid for decades and really do like it. When we remodeled the kitchen I had a specific place built for it and the attachments just sit inside the bowl.

Jackie said...

Hmmm, I will need to check into this as these take up a great deal of room in my drawer. Thanks.

God bless.

Christy said...

I have a red one that I've had for nearly 10 years. I bought it used from a friend of my late mother-in-law, so I'm not sure exactly how old it is. The seller was renovating their kitchen and it no longer fit their colour scheme.

Joyce said...

My Kitchen aid mixer is old, about 30 I think, I remember trying it out with my small grandaughters, I accidently turned it on high and blew cocoa powder and flour all over the place. It is just plain old white (didn't know there were other colors until quite recently.) It has mixed hundreds of loaves of bread etc. and the only repair it has ever needed was a new flat beater when the enamel cracked. I wish all of the large and small kitchen appliances were as reliable and useful. Joyce

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