Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Christmas Lights

 As we are now more or less in the middle of February I feel it's safe to say Christmas 2023 is over and done with, right?

I know some people keep their Christmas lights hung around the outside of the house, year round.  Fair enough, they're not the easiest things to hang up.

BUT, what are your thoughts on having them still lit up every night?  Also having multiple animals/decorations lit up on your lawn?

I could understand it if we were under a foot or six of snow, but other than the odd patch we have no snow.  I remember during Covid folk down the east coast had Christmas lights hung and lit to cheer folk up.  Maybe it makes people happy?

Personally I think it's odd.  It's not doing me any harm, but I am curious as to why people do it?  We turn ours off on January 1st.  We do take them down also each year, as we are able too.  We live in a bungalow, so it's easier for us.  Our son gets a company in to put his up and take them down each year.  People make money doing that, who knew?

I do have two big displays of greens out front from Christmas.  I removed the Christmas decorations and lights from them. So they look like big pots with greenery in them, very neutral. 

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Hi Gill, we are those people who keep their lights up through the winter. It's just two strings outling the roof of the porch. It started two years ago in January when I ended up in the hospital for five weeks. My husband kept the lights on as a talisman that I would come home and be well. I did come home in March. We now keep our lights on as a bright spot during the dark days of winter and as a reminder that they guided me home from the hospital and I was able to celebrate Christmas that year. Elaine (in Toronto)

Joy said...

I like to keep my decorations up and shining until Jam 6th but beyond that, no. I don't have outside Christmas lights anyway, it is all inside and seen through the window. xx

Linda said...

I am a little curious as to why people light them up during the year. I can understand not taking lights down. But, I could not put up lights if I could not get them down. But, something may have happened to the light taker downer. I will never plan on putting up lights if I need to pay someone to take them down. There is a bit of country I have not traveled for a long time. But, I could always expect to see trailers lit up all year.
Practical Parsimony

Anne in the kitchen said...

I take mine down by Jan.1, but I have a few neighbors who still have their light up. It does not bother me, but I don't understand why they do it.

My Piece of Earth said...

I do not have outside lights now, however, I did when I lived in a house. The lights were not turned on after Jan 1st. When the weather co-operated they were taken down ASAP.
Leaving the lights on the house does not bother me, as they are difficult to put up and take down on large houses. But, don't have them lit all year.
Those blow up things, don't like them when they are inflated and hate them even more when laying on the ground. Very tacky.

People are so eager to get into the spirit and decorate, once Christmas is over, all that enthusiasm is gone, and some, not all, are just too lazy to take them down. The weather Canada usually has does not allow decorations to be taken down in a timely manner, not so in my neck of the woods this year.

Erica said...

We have a house down the street from us that still has a wreath on the front door! I can almost understand if you have lights up. Maybe it's hard to get them down. Maybe something has come up in your life, but how easy is it just to lift the wreath off the front door? Go figure!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oddly enough, I don't find white lights being on all year round to be a problem but I don't care for the multi-coloured ones. To me they scream 'Christmas' whereas the white ones are just pretty. I have a real issue with those tacky blow-up things that seem to be cropping up all over. They (to my mind) are just cheap-looking.

Jackie said...

I don't mind small white lights, but leaving the others, plus all the wreaths and light up holiday decor is not my cup of tea. The blow up ones drive me nuts when people leave them on the ground to rot all winter. That is just a waste of money.

God bless.

Karen said...

I'm still getting positive comments about the greenery and babbles around our mailbox, so they will stay until spring when I'll change it to flowers. We keep the lights across the front eves of the house, but they are on a light switch so they are turned off. The bright colors have faded to pastels now, twenty years later. I have clear fairy lights wrapped about the railing on the side porch. We enjoy them in the summer. They are solar lights so they have a mind of their own.

Christy said...

We still have some objects lit up outside. We are out in the country and have often left lights going until mid-February, just because it is so dark outside. The other issue is that the cords are frozen into the ground. They may as well be on if they are out there!

Jeanie said...

I don't mind seeing lights up or lit -- winter is so dark and it's cheery. But I really don't like to see the inflatables still out or trees lit. Lights around the doors or eaves work but too Christmassy seems a little weird.


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...