Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Mini Closet makeover

One of the jobs to do this year was re-jig the coset to make more use of the 45' by 60" space.  We haven't touched it since we moved in other than paint it.  The first thing I needed to do was have a clean out of things we haven't used or worn in an age.

All the empty shelves were ones I wanted to remove, other than the bottom two on the right.

Hubby removed all the shelves I wanted rid of, and then we made a start on filling all the holes in the walls, which I sanded and then painted.  Yes that's a safe in the wall.
This is what I donated to the charity shop from out closet, although one bag was from our linen closet, as I had a clean out there as well.
The biggest expense in this closet mini makeover was the purchase of this chest of drawers.  I got these from Ikea.  I wanted a certain size, it had to be white and I didn't want drawer handles that stuck out.  These are from the Nordli collection.  

Although the reviews weren't hugely positive, we are very happy with them.  They are sturdy, not the easiest to put together but that's typical of Ikea.  Plus you could do different "layouts/combinations."  This one was the best for us and our space.

I spent a delightful hour or so, doing the Marie Kondo folding method of placing our clothes in the dresser.  However although I like the way the clothes are folded, I don't get the:

"Joy Tip: While folding, apply firm, loving pressure and thank your clothes for supporting you."

Just saying!!🙄

Now the following photos are out of order and for some reason I can't move them around????

This is a finished view of the closet.
This too is the completed look, notice how there is nothing on the floor now.
I purchased a couple of lidded baskets to put some odds and ends in.  They were in Shopper's Drug Mart as a seasonal product and around $15 each, I got two.
I got this shoe tower from Amazon and it is perfect.  It technically hold 7 pairs of shoes but as you can see I have more there.  You can see the product in more detail here on the Amazon website.  This unit was flat packed but was simple enough to put together, for hubby.
I also picked up this divider set to store my handbags, again from Amazon and you can see it in more detail here.  The dividers can be used for many other reasons as well.
Now the key to everything fitting and looking tidy was giving the closet a good clean out, as what we had before wouldn't fit like it does now.  The top shelf by my handbags is all hubby's CPAP stuff, and I have yet to have a clean out and organize that, as hubby is getting some updated equipment.  So will sort all that out when he gets the new stuff.

The black handbag is a Coach one, I am going to hopefully sell that one as it is way too big for me now.  Plus the bigger the handbag, the more stuff you lug around I find.

Finally, budget.  I had originally hoped to do this for around $500.  BUT, the original unit I was looking up went off sale and it doubled in price to over $700.  So I went with plan B, and bought the units from Ikea, which in fact worked out better with more storage.  Although I have given you links to the products I got from Amazon I was able to get both the shoe storage and the dividers at a slightly cheaper price.  The baskets from Shopper's were spur of the moment buys, not planned.

All the supplies for fixing the walls we had on hand, so that was free.

So all in all I was probably $160 - $175 over budget.  Coming in at around $660 - $675 for this.  A lot cheaper than having a company come in and it suits our needs exactly.

So that is one job ticked off the list for this year.


Linda said...

It all looks great. The closets here are impossible. They are wide and mostly behind walls and not very deep. Narrow door does not work well with getting things out. I would love to have a closet that large and now organized. Good job.
Practical Parsimony

Joy said...

It all looks amazingly organised and so clean and fresh. Well done. xx

Patio Postcards said...

WOW, that is an amazing make over - well done you. Maybe closet organizer is a new calling for you (col). I need to find a better way to store my hats; never thought to look on Amazon, so I will today.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We have a chest of drawers in our closet too - plus one in the room as well. DH uses the one in the closet. Our closet is very small but we use every square inch of it. Well done on your revamp!

slugmama said...

Nice job! We just redid Hubs side of the master closet...what a mess!lol

Anne in the kitchen said...

Nice to purge and reorganize!

DB Stewart said...

My "husband's CRAP stuff," lol.

Jackie said...

Well done. It looks so very neat and well organized.

God bless.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...