Friday, March 19, 2010

Odds and ends for Friday........

This month's quilt block is called Road to Tennessee  I managed to get the brown, cream and pink block completed on Thursday.  I hope to get the black, white and red one done before the weekend's out.

Another first this week, had a coyote wander through the property just before 8am on Wednesday morning, just as well I had Molly inside.........

My sister-in-law in Britain is doing a 5 km run for cancer.  If you would like to sponser her, here is the link to her page.

Something for the 40+ age group crowd:


* You sell your home heating system at a yard sale. (Hot flashes)

* The person you sleep with complains about snow piling up on the bed. (Nightsweats)

* Your husband jokes that instead of buying a wood stove, he is using you to heat the family room this winter. Rather than just saying you are not amused, you shoot him. (Mood swings)

* You write post-it notes with your kid's names on them. (Memory loss)

* Your husband chirps, "Hi honey, I'm home." and you reply, "Well, if it isn't Ozzie f*cking Nelson". (Irritability)

* The phenobarbital dose that wiped out the Heaven's Gate Cult gives you four hours of decent rest. (Sleeplessness)

* You find Guacamole in your hair after a Mexican dinner. (Fatigue)

* You change your underwear after every sneeze. (Mild incontinence)

* You need Jaws Of Life to help you out of your car after returning home from an Italian restaurant. (Sudden weight gain)

* You take a sudden interest in "Wrestlemania". (Female hormone deficiency)

* You're on so much estrogen that you take your Brownie troop on a field trip to Chippendales. (Hormone therapy)

Did you remember to put your money in your Daily Savings Pot today?

Money Saving Tip:

If you have a paid subscription to a newspaper, give them a call to see if you're getting the best rate.  I did that with our newspaper and got a reduction on our rate.....


Tracey said...

LOL! Yep, I know each & everyone of the menopause experiences extremely well! xxx

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Great fun Gill - the change of underwear one made me chuckle.

MyBulletinBoard said...

Write post-it notes with WHOSE names on them??????

Liz, awake in Texas

BadPenny said...

Ha ! love these and yes I can tick most of them..... trailing off mis sentence drives my kids mad !!!

Evelyn said...

lol yep can relate to alot of them. thanks for the tip on the newspaper, i need to renew mine soon and 50 dollars is way too much for 4 monthes and what we get is pitiful

Leiani said...

Thanks for the heads up on what menopause will bring when it shows up around here. (hopefully not for quite some time yet!)

Kadeeae said...

Have been to SIL's page ;-) very worthy cause, wishing her all the best.

Those signs hit close to home, lol.

Unknown said...

Haha at 48 I still haven't had the pleasure but I'm sure I'm going to soon and I'm going to remember each and every one of those :) Maybe that is why my DH told me I was losing my mind the other day??

Lib said...

LOL I know each one of those
Have a great wk.end!
HAppy Spring!

Dorothy said...

My husband has learned to hang onto the covers tightly because I tend to throw them off, then pull them back up several times a night. Oh, bother! How long is this going to last?

overtiredmum said...

You are very clever - I have a huge pile of scrap material and a sewing machine in the garage, one day I'll learn how it works and make a quilt. xo

Leigh Russell said...

It is annoying when people don't let you know you could be paying a lower rate.
If you're interested, read my interview on The Literary Project, on 19th March

Kim said...

I'm over 40 but haven't hit the dreaded menopause as yet, thank GOD!

Although the senior's moments are coming more frequently.

QuiltedSimple said...

LOL. too funny

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...