Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Mam's Coleslaw recipe and other "stuff."

I know I have posted this recipe a while back here along with my potato salad recipe, but I thought I'd show you once again.


Package of coleslaw mix (red cabbage, white cabbage and carrot)
Cheese, grated
Red onion, chopped
Seasoning to taste

Put all the ingredients in the bowl and mix together.  The key to this salad, is that you let it sit a few hours in the fridge before you serve it, as it lets the flavours all come together.

Now for the over achievers, you know who you are!!  Rather than buying a bag of coleslaw mix, you will use fresh veggies and slice/shred them yourself, and no doubt you will make the mayo using this recipe

So instead of paying 99 cents per 100g in the grocery store make this for not much more and it tastes a whole lot better.....

Coleslaw mix: 99 cents
Cheese: $1
Onion: 25 cents
Mayo: 50 cents

Total  no more than $2.75, probably even less......

We ate ours with fish and baked potatoes and it was really good.......

Did you remember to put your money in your daily saving pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Don't buy frozen meals -- If you empty the contents of a frozen dinner onto a plate you will quickly realize that you are getting very little food for what you are paying. Do you realize you are paying $300 a pound for that tiny bit of veggies on the side? If you lead a busy lifestyle, set aside a weekend afternoon to make your own frozen dinners and meals prepared from scratch.

I posted a "special" column in the Orangeville Banner, as it was about a current issue.  Normally I will be only posting once a week on a Friday.  The subject was a bit controversial for me, but one that I felt needed to be explored.


Tracey said...

I always chop my own veg....only because I've never seen a packet mix like that before!!!!! Brilliant topic in your column, I totally agree with you. xxx

MyBulletinBoard said...

I can't wait to try your coleslaw recipe. I've never, ever heard of putting grated cheese in slaw! Wait till DH sees that. He says all my recipes end in "and add a big handful of cheddar." Well, just about. This one was made for me!!!! LOL

Liz, Republic of Texas

bubble said...

thank you!! I have always wanted to try out homemade coleslaw! xxx

Anonymous said...

Yummy!! Fab recipe!

For me it's always got to be Hellmann's mayonnaise mixed in.

Lib said...

Never heard of cheese in coleslaw.Will have to try this!
I totally agree with you in your column! So many hurting people in the world today! I always wonder does help really get to the ones who really needs it. If we try to find someone we know and help you know they get it.
Have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

Always looking out for a decent coleslaw recipe. This is on my list. Thanks!

Karine said...

That sounds yummy! As for frozen meals, I never buy them except for the odd frozen pizza and vegetable pastries. Aside from that, there's just too much junk in them!

Jess said...

Awesome recipe...will be using it!

I hope all is well with you and have a great rest of the week

Love, Jess

Decadent Housewife said...

Just came through Orangeville last week. Thought about you "up there, somewhere". Good article.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...