Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Photo Shoot...........

So on Wednesday, in between my sanding, staining and varnishing, I had to pop to town for a photo shoot.

Must admit I was a bit worried, as I hate having my photo taken, but these were professionals taking it, so how bad could I look???  Then there was the slight problem of what should I wear.  I mean is the world ready to see me in a swimsuit?  The phrase "beached whale," comes to mind when I think of me in a swimsuit.  So maybe evening dress would be a better option, again another phrase comes to mind "mutton dressed as lamb."

So in the end I opted for jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt.  However I could have gone stark naked if I wanted as at the end of the day they only wanted a head shot of me!

Who are "they" you ask, well "they" are the local paper, and I am going to be writing an online column/blog for them just like I do for the British paper.  There are still some bits and pieces to sort out but it should be all up and running shortly.  My first column is written, and this one will have a more "British take on Canadian life," sort of feel.  So fingers crossed it works out well!!  Of course I'll post a link when it's all up and running.

As I said earlier I have been busy with the sanding, staining and varnishing of the doors and trim or the closet.  Sort of hoping this part will all be completed by sometime next week, as I am not sure how many coats of varnish I will need to put on.  While I was out I stocked up on headache pills, as with all this stain and varnish my head will no doubt be killing me.

Did you remember to put your money in your daily savings pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Think back to the last time you cleaned out the refrigerator. Be honest. Did you throw food out? Everyone has busy days when they don’t have time to cook. Next time you’re running late don’t spend a fortune on takeout. Have a home cooked meal. Spend a couple of dollars on some nice individual serving freezer containers. (The ones with the separate compartments are great). The next time you have leftovers use these containers to store and freeze your meals. Then, when you do have one of those days you can simply pop one of your “tv” dinners into the microwave and your family can enjoy a homecooked feast in minutes. You’ll save time and money in the long run!


Tracey said...

Not only a top journalist but model too!!! Good luck Gill.
For crying out loud, will you stop with the woodwork! Wait till you can open the windows at least!!! xxx

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

You are having a busy time Gill - do you wear different hats for your various activities. Hope the photo shoot went well and look forward to seeing your new column. A

Cindy Rutgers said...

Good luck with your column in the local paper. I am sure they will find you as entertaining as we all do. Thanks for the money saving tip by the way.

Gilly said...

Oh you must share the pic when you get it ! Youre a super star!!!

Clippy Mat said...

Congratulations Gill. Good for you!

MyBulletinBoard said...

Good go! I would have opted for the evening gown, just for the fun of it!

Liz, in the Republic

CannedAm said...

Congratulations, Gil!!!!

Re-the leftovers tip. That dry erase board BzzAgent sent with the DanActive kit has been my leftovers board since I got it. I write what I've got and the date and try to use it before it would expire. If I don't, into the freezer it goes. Also for small amounts of vegetables leftover I put them all in one bowl in the freezer and once it's full I make "freezer soup." I don't put broccoli in that bowl, though.

Leiani said...

Aren't you becoming the international writer extraordinaire!!!! Well done and congratulations. Would love to see the photo when you get it.

Kim said...

Congratulations Gil!

Prairie Farmstead Ponderings said...

Congratulations on being chosen to write a column in your local paper, Gill. You're really expanding your talents.

And, from someone who recently varnished the new pantry walls and door ~ open the window...even if it's cold outside! Those varnish fumes can really get to you.

DeniseinVA said...

Good luck with your new venture Gill. Do we get a peek of the photo?

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...