Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today's post is not what I expected to write today...

why because all went well....

On Monday I had to go to the doctors to get a repeat prescription.  I HATE going to the doctors, as that man will be late for his own funeral!!  However, for once he was only running 10 minutes late........mind you I was his second appointment of the day, so no doubt he would be an hour behind like he normally is by later on in the day.

I have got to the point, where I will only go to see him, unless it's an emergency, if I can get the first or second appointment of the day.  I hate having to wait so long after my appointment time, that by the time I see him, I am so irritated, I want to be in and out of there as soon as poosible.

If I could I would go to a doctor close to where we live, however no doctors in our area are taking on new patients, infact we are short of doctors in our area.

So I had expected to write a ranting and raving post!!

I was out all day on Monday, as while I was down in the city for the doctors I decided to run a few errands at the same time.  I don't enjoy driving in the city anymore, too many people who don't know how to drive there!!  Will say though they don't have anywhere near as much snow as us.

Had to get gas/petrol while I was out, now I know this is cheap to what you pay in Britain, but it's hovering around $1 CDN per litre here at the moment, which is expensive for us.  How much is gas/petrol where you live?

I only have $20 on me, so it didn't even fill half the tank.  I don't think I am going anywhere much this week, so it will have to do.

Xynthia the storm that swept through northen Europe was major news on our tv on Monday evening, read more about it here   Mind you the headline news was of course Canada winning the gold medal in the men's hockey game  They said on the news that half the population of Canada was watching the game.....hockey is a big thing over here!!!  Also Canada winning USA is the same as Britain winning France.

Did you remember to put your  money in your Daily Saving's Pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

It's cheaper to get a magazine subscription, than buying the magazines indvidually each month.

My dad brought me two Hobby Farm Home magazines from the States, so I am going to spend Monday night reading them.........


Lindsay said...

I thought we were the only ones with slow doctors!!!

Kadeeae said...

Mornin' Gill :-)

Our petrol prices average £1.11 per litre which is about $1.72 Canadian. With 4.5 litres per gallon that would make our petrol approx $7.75 Canadian dollars per gallon. So you would have gotten about 2 1/2 gallons here for your $20. :-(

Yes, very, very expensive.

Term paper said...

It’s great to see good information being shared and also to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.

Jo said...

magazines - I even save on a magazine subsription - I buy on ebay, read them and then re-sell them, made over £20 last week!
so that's money sorted towards my Mum's birthday card/pressie without extra money from the household budget!
Josie x

MyBulletinBoard said...

Gas is about $2.50 per gallon here. A long ways from the 19 cents a gallon I remember as a kid, but beats the heck out of the $4 a gallon summer before last.

Liz, on Texas Independence Day

Leiani said...

Doctors must be the same the world over as it's a miracle if our doctor is ever running close to on time!And petrol here in Australia (well Perth anyway)is about $1.20 AUD per litre. It costs me roughly $75 AUD to fill the tank, which last just over a week with driving kids to two schools each day, and then to their after school soccer and army cadet commitments. No wonder I never have any money to spare!

fizzycat said...

Doctors, I am lucky enough not to have to seen them now. I went once last year for a bone scan appointment to be arranged. Had to ring at a certain hour to get the doctor, then inform the recepionist I was willing to wait the required days to see him.(Had some illness years ago that meant we saw a lot of each other).
Then had to ring hospital to make appointment myself, could not get through, then was seventh in line or something. Rang off, waited till school run hour, then rang, got through. Thankfully good scan, not much different to ten years ago ( just a little bone thinning of one hip).
Think our gp is only open around three days a week now.Think it is the same all over the uk now.
Not sure about petrol as don't drive.
All the best on this sunny dayx

fizzycat said...

Yes it does make you wonder about quiche!

MyBulletinBoard said...

Okay, I left you another picture. Not as cute as Molly's, though!

O. the expat mom said...

OMG, your post just reminded me to Holland. It was such a deal to get the family physician or the dentist close to home. Now in the states, it's the other way around. Which one is a better is a loooong story. Many pros and cons on both sides. I am still undecided. One thing though, if you will be waiting too long, in States they ask if you want to reschedule.

Karine said...

I'm glad everything went well at the Doctor's! I hate going too, so only ever go if I think I have a problem, which fortunately is almost never :o) Oh and gas here in Montreal is 1.13$ per liter. I'm so glad I don't own a car.

Heather said...

Love the new photo of Molly. Here in Montreal gas is 1.13$/litre. how convenient for it to have gone up the week that schools are on March break. In Sarnia yesterday and the same gas was 95 cents/litre. Their March break week was over. LOL

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

The doctor I work for hates to be behind, but somehow it does seem to happen, however, it's not that often--This is a plus because I don't like it either, especially at lunch time! :-)

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...