Monday, March 15, 2010

I may be another year older, but am I wiser?

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. ~Tom Wilson

So here I am, another year older.  I remember last year asking if I was half way through my life, as I turned 45 years of age.  I am guessing I am wanting to live until I am 90 years of age from that thought, but honestly I would be happy to reach 80 years of age.

One of my mother's neighbours is in her early 90's and has had to go into a home as she can't cope anymore.  I don't want to get like that, I like my independance, and I don't want to be a burden on anyone.  Since moving up here, I seem to be mixing with a lot more older people and are seeing their struggles "health wise" first hand, and I don't want to go through those.

My pop (grandfather) died to my mind the best way.  He got up one morning, went downstairs, my nana made him a cup of tea, he sat in his chair, not sure if he drank it or not, but he had a heart attack and died there and then in his chair.  A heck of a shock for my nana and the rest of the family, but at least he didn't suffer.  That's how I want to go, and as heart/blood pressure problems are common on both sides of my family,  there is a good chance that I will go the same way.

Gosh that was a doom and gloom way to start a post.  So lets move onto something a bit brighter!!

As we started celebrating my birthday on Saturday, I started getting presents on Saturday night.  The kids bought me a 2 year subscription to the Sew News magazine, which is such a perfect gift for me, as I am a magazine junkie, and I love to sew!!  That night I also got the orchid from R & M that I featured in yesterday's Today's Flower post.

On Sunday my dad and step-mum came up for lunch, homemade quiche, baked potatoes, potato salad, and garden salad.  Homemade apple pie or peach tarts for dessert.  I made a pound and a half of pastry and got a lot of things out of it.

Anyhow they bought me The Chocolate they know I love chocolate, of course they do!!!

I will post on Tuesday what else I get.

Did you remember to put your money in your Daily Savings Pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

In a restaurant before ordering ask about "specials" not on the menu. These are often very fresh and good bargains. Many restaurants have regular specials each day of the week. Generally Monday through Thursday are the best deals.


MyBulletinBoard said...


The ComputerSon just saw your Chocolate Bible. "Now that's right up your alley." Now I'm hungry.

Liz, in the Republic

DeniseinVA said...

The older I get I don't consider these type of discussions as doom and gloom, but merely philosophical. My grandfather and his son years later both died in the same chair. I vowed I'm never sitting in that chair!!! I don't know what's around the corner, but I'm just going to take each day as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest. By the way, love the new header photo of Molly and the squirrel, and thought your birthday gifts were lovely.

Tracey said...

I love your header photo!!!!
I hope you live to be 100 and be as fit as a fiddle until then. Oh, & still blogging! I feel 100

Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Happy Birthday - remember you are a old as you feel!! 70 is the new 50 so you've got miles to go yet:))
I rather like the orchid you spoke of - nice colours
Take care

Lindsay said...

Belated Happy Birthday and love your new photo of Molly and squirrel.

Canadian Saver said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Gill! You did get spoiled :-)

Unknown said...

many happy returns, ohhh and that chocolate book looks to doe for!

mommanator said...

Happy Birthday, You are so young!
Today would have been my 40th wedding anniversary. I also have a good friend who was born on this day. Many blessings! Have fun!

Scrappy quilter said...

happy Birthday dear friend. Hope it continues to be a great one. Hugs

that british woman s brother said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Happy birthday Gill - a little late I'm afraid but I hope you had a wonderful day. A x

The Witch said...

Happy Birthday Gill!!!!

And many more to come.
The new picture with Molly is so cute.

Lib said...

Happy Birthday Friend!
You have 5 days on But I have about 12 yrs. on youLol
Hope your day is wonderful!
I hope I go like your "POP":o)
Have a great wk.

chksnowqueen said...

Happy Birthday Gill! Wishing you health, wealth and happiness.


Anonymous said...

Don't think about death on your birthday, silly ;-) You have many many more Chinese buffets to go to!

The chocolate bible... now, finally a book I can believe in!

Shirley said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

O. the expat mom said...

Sounds like you had a very nice b-day. I was reading you later posts just a minute ago. All well thought presents. I love the quote about hoe wisdom doesn't always come with age. That explains my case!
I comment on here, because of your money saving tip. In US, the waiter always comes to your table and starts about the specials. I hear maybe the first one - if it's anything understandable -, the rest sounds like a 'buzzzz' and I just smile and nod. I almost 3 years, I managed to order once from the specials! No savings for me!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...