Monday, March 8, 2010

A bit of this a bit of that........

When I looked out through the family room windows today, our neighbour was busy with a back hoe digging out the stream on his property. He worked on it all day. If there hadn't been as much snow as there was and a nasty wind, I would have wandered down the field to see what was going on!!

(click on the photo's for more detail)

Sunday afternoon I spent most of it sewing, and finally got one of the block of the month blocks done.  It's called Balkan Puzzle  I got all the pieces cut out for the black, white and red block, so want to get that done this week.
I bought material to back my latest english paper piecing project, but am not 100% happy with my material choice.  What do you think, and what colour do you think would go well with the paper piecing?

Did you remember to put your money in your daily savings pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Check the insulation in your home. Extra insulation can easily pay for itself in one or two years, and it helps save the environment, too.


Gilly said...

Gill did you leave the blue fabric background on the piecing? I think it looks lovely :)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Maybe your neighbor is just playing with a "big boy toy" and not really doing anything!:-)

For the paper piecing, maybe a dark color like navy-blue???

Hope your week is off to a good start Gill!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it's not the right fabric. The mid range blue on the edge of the block just disappears.

Shelves of quilt fabric make very good home insulation. Also craft books, wool, cross stitch supplies....You get my idea!!!


Expat mum said...

What about a fabulous green?

MyBulletinBoard said...

I think it's amazing what can be done with a few geometric shapes and some color! You must have a lot of patience. Do you?

Liz, in the rainy Republic

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of paper piercing but eagerly watching your progress. I am a big fan of contrast so I would suggest white.

The display you asked about was actually hundreds of flowers and vases -- greens, blues, creams, yellows -- suspended from the ceiling by a fishing line type material that was barely visible to the eye and made them appear to be floating. It was breathtaking and one of my favorite displays.
I'm so glad you liked the video!


Tracey said...

I think you are very talented....whatever colour! I haven't got the patience to such intricate

QuiltedSimple said...

I love the paper piecing - maybe a white on white print?

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Someone else having a more interesting week than me. I need to get out more!

Chicken Boys said...

I'm a fan of the color blue. That's my fav color blue on that English thing. Your neighbor didn't have a front hoe? LOL Is there a such thing a a front hoe? If not, why not? Hmmm.

Prairie Farmstead Ponderings said...

Your block of the month square is really neat, Gill. I love the pattern. I finished both of my squares for this month and need to 'turn them in' at the fabric store for my next kits next Thursday.

Our store doesn't indicate what pattern we're doing ~ I wonder if it's because they are making it up, or if it's just one of those details they didn't think about including on the instruction sheet. I'll have to look into that. Heehee!

Karine said...

You'll have to let us know what your neighbor was up to, I'm curious!

As for the right color for your paper piecing, there's a hint of purple in it already, so maybe something along the lines of lavender? Otherwise maybe a hing of green, but not too much.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...