Sunday, March 7, 2010

A bit of advice for y'all.......

Gosh that's a case of "Southern Drawl" if there ever was one......

Anyway back to my advise.  Don't join a line/queue, until you know what they are lining up for....

On Saturday dh actually had a day off....YEAH for dh!!  So we headed to Barrie for the Barrie Home and Garden show.  Never been there before, either to the Home Show or to that venue.  Pretty easy to find, and when we get there, we see that people are already lining up to get in.  So of course we join that line.  Meanwhile it wasn't that warm standing out there without my jacket on, so dh went back to the truck to get it.  A woman came to stand next to me and we started talking.  Turns out she hadn't been to the show either, so we are discussing this and that.

I wondered if there was another entrance to the home show and then the woman in front of us says this is the line up for the wrestling tickets???  What wrestling, we were looking for the Home Show, which turned out to be at the other side of the building!  So off we set off to the other side of the building; did notice though there were a number of other people leave that line up as well, so we were not the only dim wits there!!

We are used to going to the Toronto Home Show, this was not a patch on the Toronto Home Show.  We had looked at everything within 35 minutes.  The only good thing about the whole situation was that the first 125 people through the door, got a $10 gift card each for Rona, which in turn paid for a can of varnish I wanted.  Oh and we wanted a couple of things out of Home Depot, and I got to call into the quilting store in Cookstown on the way home.  So it wasn't a totally wasted day.

Temperature was above freezing again, but we still have plenty of snow.  You would think it was spring here with the warm temperatures, however we won't say too much at the moment, as next thing we'll be dumped on again with another foot of snow!!!

Have church again today.....I am getting a little worried about what the reverend will talk about, as he has an uncanny knack of talking about something that is so relevant to me.  It's as though he can read my mind....scary!

Did you remember to put your money in your Daily Savings Pot? 

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Learn from your past experiences. Of course, each one of has his "low" times because of the fact that we don't have the necessary funds to pay for our needs. Instead of fussing over our predicament, let' stop for a while and contemplate why we got into our present financial mess. Remember that problem is success turned inside out. Let's not cry over spilled milk, let's rather spend our time on conceptualizing solutions to our problems.


MyBulletinBoard said...

Y'all!!!! Wow!
You'll be bilingual before you know it!

Liz, in the Republic

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I hate queues. Especially the one at the ladies loo! Almost compulsory here in the UK! I do like you photo Gill - you remind me of my cousin. I had thought before when I saw your picture from behind the shrub that you looked like her and you do! A x

Haddock said...

A very sensible fact:
Don't join a line until you know what they are lining up for....

BadPenny said...

does the Reverand look at you while delivering his sermon too ?
How disconcerting ! Do you blush ?

DeniseinVA said...

One thing I don't like to do is waiting in line, absolutely loathe it. I have patience for so many other things but that. Glad you had such a nice day. I've checked with Today's Flowers and the link is up now.

Anonymous said...

Today's Flowers sign in is working again.
Hope you had a good time at the Homeshow in Barrie.
- Cheers Gisela.

Karine said...

Whenever I'm in a line that's too long for me to see the front of it, if the lineup is for what I think it is. I actually have to do it all the time when I go to take the train :o)

Stella Jones said...

Gorgeous picture of your dog. I love it. Wish I had a dog like that, even if she is allergic to everything. Over here we love a queue as you know. See a queue, join it, that's our motto.
Blessings, Star

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...