Thursday, March 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday

I took these photos around 8:30am this morning.  The first two are looking towards the east, the second two towards the west.  It looks as though we may be getting rain coming out of the east although the forecast says sun all day.......

for more Skywatch Friday photos, please click on this link


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a good day with blue skies. Keep days like this coming, eh?

Sylvia K said...

Seems it turned into a good day after all!! Lovely captures of your beautiful skies! Hope you have a great weekend!


Don Wood said...

dont listen to weather forecasts Margate and the south of England should have had rain today dry as a bone. Bet it wont be tomorrow when we want to go out . Have a good week. Don

Kcalpesh said...

Beautiful day and lovely skywatch photos! Would like to mention that your blog header is really awesome!

Pixellicious Photos

Carletta's Captures said...

I hope those West views have stayed with you all day!

overtiredmum said...

Keep you back to the clouds and just look at the blue skies! Have a good week xo

Eaglesbrother said...

I always love to watch the every changing skies and changing cloud many and so little time to watch them.

Elisabeth said...

Changing skies...wonderful. So glad you got some blue. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Creativity--Bits and Pieces

Antonina said...

Beautiful,calm sky.

Carolyn Ford said...

So beautiful! Love the tree silhouettes against that lovely blue sky!

Johnny Nutcase said...

great sky shots, but i really like your banner photo - too cute :)

Regina said...

Great skies Gill.
Have a lovely weekend.

Joyful said...

Great photos! If you're getting rain, you're like us on the other side of the country.

Alexander said...

Very nice cloud formations.

Have a nice weekend.

Alex's World! -

Jenn Jilks said...

I adore the header! That's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

I love the new header picture!

The sky pics are nice too. I find Canada has beautiful skies... it was always rainy and grey in France it seems. The sky here is fascinating, sunset are worth watching.

Tarun Mitra said...

Simply beautiful sky captures..have a great time

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...