Monday, March 22, 2010

Cross Stitching.......

I got a new to me magazine when I was out the other day, called Cross Stitch Crazy. It's of course a British magazine, I think the British have the best magazines in the world.  I signed up for the newsletter and entered all the competitions, other than the ones for the sewing machines, as they won't work over here.

It had a lovely little free project in it, for a bookmark, so I have been busy doing that. (right of photo)

One tip that all experienced cross stitchers know, but if you're new to the craft, these kits have a habit of coming with no identification of what colour is what.  Make sure you go through the colours in the day light, and get a piece of cardboard and write down the colour and the symbol used, and put a hole in for each colour.  That way it's easier to find the right colour threads.  In this case there are 4 different mauve colours and a pink, which is similar to the light mauve!!

I love doing cross stitch as much as I love sewing.

By the time you read this on Monday morning, the workmen should have arrived (9am out time) to start on the drywalling/plasterboarding. I of course have signed up to be their chief supervisor, and a fine job I will no doubt do!!  Not sure how lon they will be here, but I have cleared my week to be at home, other than on Friday when I have a meeting at 2pm at the church.  I am putting forward a motion to be in charge of organizing a cookbook for a church fundraier.  Should be fun and pretty simple to do.  Just have to print out some figures, got my sample cookbook and I am all ready to go.  Think it should be a relatively easy thing to persuade the members to sign up for.

I still have a list of things to do sewing wise this week, so want to work my way through that list; as when these guys have gone, I am going to be busy deocrating.

Did you remember to put your money in your Daily Savings Pot today?

Today's Money Saving Tip:

Eat less meat. For the nutritional value, meat is very expensive, especially as compared to vegetables and fruits. Simply change around your regular meal proportions to include more fruits and vegetables and less meats – eat a smaller steak and a bigger helping of green beans, for example. Not only is this a healthier way to eat (saving on health costs), it’s also less expensive.


Tracey said...

I agree our mags are the best! I have no patience for cross stitch though, strange really as I sit & fiddle for hours on other stuff!
Good luck with the builders, have you got your whip ready??

MyBulletinBoard said...

We are eating less meat, too. More whole grains, cheese, and eggs.

Love to cross stitch, too.

Love your big sky picture!!

Liz, Republic of Texas

LHA said...

Lovely bookmark! I have really been enjoying sewing recently. I'll look out for the magazine.

bubble said...

I can't do cross stitch...although I would love too. love your header!! xxx

The Witch said...

Cross stitch I have done for years.
I stopped because I couldn't find a project which was challenging enough for me.
I'll have to post one day showing all the projects I have done.
Too bad I gave away some pretty good ones which now I wished I had of kept.
I guess I thought they were getting dated.
Stupid me.

Kim said...

I used to do a lot of cross-stitch and I love those magazines. I see in that one it also has the fairy pattern? Any way you could scan and email it to me? I LOVE fairies :)

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...