Where we live we have two main cable/telephone/Internet providers. In our case its Bell Canada and Rogers. We were with Bell for quite a while, then a couple of years we switched completely over to Rogers. I have to say other than minor things, we have had pretty good service with Rogers.
Of course Bell has tried to lure us back, and generally I just throw what ever they send in the mail, or if they call I tell them no. For some reason a couple of weeks ago when this woman rang from Bell, I let her give me her speech, and I actually wrote down her pricing etc, and to be honest I was pretty impressed with the pricing and services. I told her though we were going on vacation and could she call me back in a couple of months. She said no problem.
I was telling dh all about this and he said well give Rogers a call and see what they say. I had to call Rogers anyhow, as I reckon who ever had my cell phone number before me was a drug dealer.......I mean people are always calling me, and now people keep sending me text messages? That confused me no end, as I didn't realize I had signed up for text messages?
So last Monday called Rogers and got the text message thingy sorted out.....turns out everyone can receive text messages at no charge, but if you send a text message they charge you....who knew????? At this point I would love to be able to read these messages.........I am technically challenged.........
So when I finished with that I was put through to the "customer retention department." So I start chit chatting with this woman telling her all about the Bell Canada call and how I was thinking of switching and what can they do.
I pay around $185 a month for home telephone, Internet, digital cable and cell phone. With Bell I was only going to be paying around $150, and that included two more digital boxes. To cut a long and boring story short, at the end of the 45 minute telephone conversation I ended up with an HD PVR box free for a year ($240 value), $10 off per month ($120 value) on my home phone for a year, three months free for HD Speciality channels ($27 value) and 20% off on my Internet. So I probably saved $400 over the next year.
So I say to the lady, why couldn't you have just done all this in the first place, instead of me whining on and wasting both your time and mine..........."we're not allowed." I have rang before to try and lower my bill but haven't had any luck. I can't see why they can't just offer customer's with accounts in good standing these promotions just to keep them happy???
So anyhow, I hummed and haa-ed over that for a few days. Then today I am reading some posts over at Frugal Shopper and one caught my eye about getting the Toronto Star newspaper for free. Well we have been subscribers to that newspaper for years. I enjoy reading the paper while I have my breakfast in a morning. We always got a newspaper in England, so I guess its a tradition we have always kept up.
So I thought I'd give them a call to see why I can't get the newspaper for free. When I talk to the lady she says well you're getting the best promotion at 50% off and the promotion for the free newspaper is not in your area. So I say fine, well what promotions are available in my area, so she tells me 40% off. I say well why can't I carry on with the 50% off (that ends in October), no she says 40% off is the best I can do now. I said well why do I have to ask for this, why couldn't you just keep me on that rate forever. She says they don't do that.
So once again I have to keep calling them and whining on at them to lower my rates.
So why am I annoyed..........well my time is an important as everyone else, as is yours. Why do I have to spend 45 minutes on a call having to threaten to switch my account, just to try and wrangle out of them what promotions I am entitled too? Luckily I am a whiner, but a lot of people are not aggressive, or whiny like I am. Also a lot of people just don't have the time to spend 45 minutes on one telephone call. Which I suppose that's what these big companies are hoping for, so that way they don't have to give you any more than they have to.
To my mind that $400 that I saved with Rogers is a heck of a lot better in my pocket than in theirs? I don't expect to get everything for free, but I would like to be rewarded for being a good customer, wouldn't you?
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
My husband has done something similar in the past with credit cards. When they start raising their rates, as they tend to do without announcing it, he calls. If they don't reduce it, he transfers the balance to another credit card with a lower interest rate.
Of course, then they call or send all kinds of offers, and he rejects them. If they call, he tells them why.
You're right--it's ridiculous that we have to whine and waste precious time bargaining for what should be a loyalty reward.
xcame over from jess. thought you looked interesting because you are hiding behind that big sunflower...i left salford 54 years ago...i have some british bloggers,,, snuffie, thud, akela, and gail from north cumberland...i probably will drive you nuts...i have been to your country, banff, calgary stampede, lake louise,
Stephanie, I knew I wasn't the only one who thought like this.
Putz, you can't drive me any more nuts, than I am already, welcome and thanks for popping by.
I hear you on all of this! It makes me so mad.They give all these advantages to new customers while basically - pardon the term - crapping on their existing ones. Magazine subscriptions are the same way. It's like you have to let your subscription lapse and then re-subscribe to get that free issue or whatever. It's insane.
Well, it's always been this way, if we don't give them a hissy fit and whine and stamp a foot occasionally, no one listens. It's been like that since the day of the caveman I think, or at least since the day of the saleman/person. They're very happy to take our money and hope we won't mind forking it over while not reading between the lines, which a lot of us do because we can't stand all the blither-blather. Well done Gill and everyone else who takes a stand. Interesting post and makes you think.
I hate that these companies are making tonnes of profits and that we are still paying top dollar. It bugs me in all aspects of business, home services, groceries and most of all banking! I am 100% behind Jack Layton and his bid to cap Interest Rates on Credit cards to prime plus a couple percent. In the day and age where people are having to rely more and more on credit products just to make ends meet there ought to be some sort of restriction. I hate that companies are becoming richer and richer while the majority of people are becoming poorer & poorer.
Girl you are talking my language. It makes me crazy too. Customers in good standing SHOULD get some benefits. If the one company lured you away, you can bet they would try to lure you back. As for newspapers, I have given up on them entirely. I understand that industry is really hurting too. THey just stack up around the house and I can usually find what I need on the internet. Good for you on the calls.
Hi Gill - I had a similar experience with internet provider last December and they reduced my monthly rate by £7!
A x
I leave all of that to my husband. He has to have some uses.
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