Sunday, August 24, 2008

I am addicted to books!!!!

Book Close Outs is having a good sale on at the moment, so I took advantage of it. I got a total of 30 books and paid $28.48 for them, then another $13.69 on shipping, handling and tax, so pretty good eh? I will list the reading books, I have ordered a few other books for gifts etc, so don't want to list those.

ISBN: 9780060081652

ISBN: 9780312330613

ISBN: 9780345465177

ISBN: 9780399152306

ISBN: 9780425195901

ISBN: 9780446533669

ISBN: 9780451202826

ISBN: 9780670030880

ISBN: 9780670034024

ISBN: 9780684866055

ISBN: 9780743466301

ISBN: 9780758208415

ISBN: 9780812966817

ISBN: 9781416507338

ISBN: 9780340830109

I got a number of travel books all at $1 each, plus some other books. Guess I am going to be busy, considering I have only read four of the other books I got, I am reading a fifth one now.


softinthehead said...

Thanks Gill - I popped straight over there and bought some books :)

Putz said...

i love books, thank you so much for a whole bunch of new ones, i haven't read any of these, those, i have done book reviews on the shack by william young{don't read it} and the host by meyers and all her edward vam,pire books and jodi pickle's book on 19 minutes,,,excellent, and cup of tea by mortensen and of course kite runner, and movies bout indy jones, x files, mama mia, see i told you i would drive you CRAZY

DeniseinVA said...

There are worse addictions Gill, I think this one that you have is one of the best addictions a person can have. A great selection of books.

Gill - That British Woman said...

For $1 a book you can't go wrong, it's cheaper than buying a magazine, that's for sure.

I got an email from them saying that they had added another 250 titles to the $1 promotion.........that's all I need....LOL


cheshire wife said...

Looks like you got yourself some bargains. There are worse things to be addicted to than books.

cheshire wife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gill - That British Woman said...

I have just been on the book close outs site and have another 35 books in my cart...Oh no!!!!! I have a code for $5 off, so it will be just over $40 with taxes and shipping for 35 books, for over $500 worth of books.

I'm going to think about the situation for a couple of days.....I have got a few books for Christmas amongst those though.


DeniseinVA said...

Hi Gill, I was given an award and I would like to pass it on to you if you are willing to participate. It is over at my blog. Thanks!

Crafty Mama said...

Ahuh, so if you disappear for a while..we know what you are doing..READING!! :)

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I love books and have quite a few still waiting to be read. My daughter usually finds me some good ones and I won't throw any out!

A x

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I just love books too but I don't get the time to read them anymore. Mostly I buy cookery books as I am obsessed with food and cooking. The feel of a new book in my hands is just as delicious as the recipe's inside it! I get all excited!

haunish said...

Thansk for posting the name of site. I can read up to a couple of books a day, so i go through them like crazy, cant get enough. I will definately be loading up.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am still thinking about that order!!!!!!


Jasmine's Journey said...

I love books too but all I read now are cook books and recipes, oh and blogs! lol

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...