Monday, June 1, 2015

Let's see........

Devil Cat (aka Rhubarb), decided it would be fun to jump on the headboard, just as I was dropping off too sleep on Saturday night.
Then at 5 am start meowing, just because she can.  Never heard a peep from Olive!

Someone is admiring herself:
She was as good as gold..........well as good as any 18 month old is, when they have VERY selective hearing!!!  When Nana got home at lunch time on Sunday, she had something to eat and then went to bed for an hour..........could have stayed there all afternoon, truth be told.

Did go grocery shopping later in the day so closed off the month of May.  As usual was over, but it was a five week month for me.  Ended up spending $384.25, with savings of $58.92.  Luckily it's not the end of the world if I go over my monthly budget of $350, BUT once in a while I would love to be under budget!!

I did manage to make up a menu plan for the week.  It's such a help when I do that.
Sorry about the quality of the photo.  I haven't made scotch eggs in ages, so thought that would be good, as I have both eggs and sausage meat.  Also saw on tv someone making Pan Haggarty, so thought I would give it a go, may just have some salad with it.

Have you made a menu plan for the week?  Do you have a "devil-eyed cat?"  Do you know someone who likes to look at themselves in the mirror?


Betsy said...

I dislike looking at myself in the mirror very much thank you>
No devil cakes. I stil have to start making menus. Maybe when I get back from Mandy's I'l take the time to do that.

Kitty Greene said...

I have a cat from hell - I keep threatening to throw him out but no one else would take him in because he is such a pain in the **** ! his name is Rasputin aka Thug, which will give you some clue to his personality !
I never menu plan, for me it is an expensive way to do things, but that's because I do very well with bargains and always have something in the fridge to eat, so don't need to make a menu.

mamasmercantile said...

No I don't have a devil cat, but I do have a standard poodle who has selective hearing. I do a monthly shop and try as I might it is always over budget even making a meal plan doesn't help. Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Can i come to dinner on Monday?

Jenn Jilks said...

You KNOW we have devilish cats!
Day one of granddaughter-sitting, to sleep by 8:45, awake at 6:30. We're having fun, though!

Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

The Grands are grand to be with, but do take a bit more energy then we are normally used to both mentally & physically. Would give up that energy in a dime for them. Love the admiring herself photo.

Boopnut said...

I always have good intentions of making a weekly menu, but haven't done it yet! Love your little grand daughter!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like it when I make a menu plan for the week...but a lot of the time I don't. Hmmm.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Maybe I'll get to the weekly menu planning eventually. Something I tell myself regularly! I have two cats; both of them devilish. But aren't they all? :)

Mysti said...

No devil cat. But one that likes to meow at 530am. And needs to be in the bathroom with you when you shower!

Anna of Mutton Style and Years said...

I keep mirrors away from Mr Him but youngest takes an awful lot of selfies. My May shop is going to turn out to be about 500 pounds for 3 of us plus a yogurt churner extraordinaire who is partial to hmm yogurt.
I use to do a weekly plan but not now kids are grown. I have a cat with different colour eyes. Does that count?

Unknown said...

I do a menu every week and have for years. I think it helps me stay close to my budget....I am usually over too. I have a sweet old cat. We have had a few devilish cats in the past though.

Pom Pom said...

Cats are funny but not in the middle of the night! I hope you take it easy until you are fully well, Gill.
Cute grand!

Cat Lover said...

Your menu plan looks great. All of our cats seemed to love to wake us up at early hours. Surprisingly you do miss it when they are gone.

Wisewebwoman said...

Must make some scotch eggs soon.
Love your blackboard.

Little Red Hen said...

I make up a 4 week menu plan that changes with the seasons. I find it very helpful when I do the groceries. And I'm not scrounging around each morning trying to find something for supper.

Unknown said...

Your cat remind me of our dog. Up at 6am regardless of the day of the week. I'd love to sleep in on a Saturday, but instead her and I were out on the streets by 6:10. I got in a lovely walk though, so I shouldn't complain. I meal plan every week. Keeps the bill low and we don't waste hardly any food!

Gail said...

One of my blogger friends love Scotch Eggs. I shall google a recipe because so much has been said about them.

Thanks for visiting. I hope the Moss Rose flourishes.

barbara woods said...

i carry the camera because i don't like to see me

William Kendall said...

Devil cat's a cutie pie!

Rose said...

That Pan Haggarty sounds, don't make a menu. I used to always have one in mind but no longer do that. I probably should though. No, no devil eyed cat, but a mischievous one. If we stop petting him before he has had enough, he will reach and 'nip' us...doesn't bite down but just opens his mouth and you feel his sharp teeth laying against the skin. Also, if I am sewing and he gets lonesome, he comes and gets right in the middle of everything. And Lorelei looks at herself some in the mirror, but not as much as she used to.

Oh, and your comment about her growing up...I can tell she is growing up, even when we see her every week or two, can tell it.

Meanqueen said...

I never make a menu plan. My cats are beautiful. I try and avoid mirrors.

The Cranky said...

When I bought this house it was all over mirrors... I've grown to hate mirrors. In fact, I take a great deal of pleasure from the fact that I've removed/destroyed nearly all of them.

You've inspired me to begin making menu plans again; I'll post it tonight in fact! The pan hagarty sounds yum, I'll have to try it next week. =)

Scrappy quilter said...

No cats here, just a spoilt dog.

Kaisievic said...

Yes, our kitty cats can be quite naughty at times, too. I love the sound of Pan Haggerty!

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The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...