Sunday, May 31, 2015


After running around after our Little Munchkin for much of Saturday I have decided where ever she gets all that energy from I want some of it.  What's the secret?  Does anyone know?

Can't believe it's the last day of May, where did the month go?  It was a fast month, that's for sure.


mamasmercantile said...

It flew by...time flies when you are having fun.

Belinda said...

I would love to have half of their energy. lol

Times flies, we are on summer break, so it will go by even faster now. lol

Stella Jones said...

That's a cute cartoon isn't it. Toddlers! Yes they wear you out and they are really good at sharing their germs. Keep knitting.

Jenn Jilks said...

That's funny! We're babysitting for a week, about to leave to pick them up.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

If only I had a fraction of the energy that little ones have, I'd be happy. It is our grandson's 8th birthday tomorrow, seems like just yesterday we were pacing up and down in the hospital waiting for his arrival.

Rose said...

I often have said this same thing...if I only had half of Lorelei's energy I could get a lot more done.

Paula said...

There was a post on FB the other day that said have so much energy because they suck it all from their Mom's (or Grandma's). It sure seems that way some days. There sure are times when I wish Colin and I had met 10 years sooner so we could be 10 years younger to keep up with Ella :)

Anne in the kitchen said...

I would love 1/8 of their energy and all of their wonder. My favorite age is 2, when they are innocent little bundles of energy and life is theirs to be explored and marveled.

Gail said...

Time flies.

Thanks for visiting.

Wisewebwoman said...

the thing is it only lasts a blink in time. My wee former grandtoddler just came back from a work term in India but she did manage to toddle 26k over some mountains while there.


William Kendall said...

That's a mystery to me!

Cat Lover said...

Yes the month has just flown by. Hope you can relax today!

Pom Pom said...

I think if we ran everywhere we go like toddlers do, we'd be ready for bed at 7:00 every night. What am I saying? I AM ready for bed every night at 7:00!

John Going Gently said...

Am loving the new look

angela said...

Ohhh to be young and full of beans.
They really should share don't you think lol

EG CameraGirl said...

May was a fast month! \And I want some toddler energy too.

The Cranky said...

Adults with that much energy would surely be arrested for illicit drug use!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...