Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Yarn Along- June 2nd 2015

Not an awful lot to show this week, knitting wise.  I did a bit more of the baby blanket, but not enough for you to notice a big difference.  I did get my flower brooch finished and it is so cute.

I did read this book however and it was so good.  

"Sweater Quest, my year of knitting dangerously," by Adrienne Martini.  I think both knitters and non-knitters would enjoy this book.  It reminded me of a gossip magazine for the knitting world.  For the non-knitters out there, you will not believe some of the things that went/go on in the knitting world.  It does say if you enjoyed the movie, "Julie and Julia," this is the knitting equivalent; and I totally agree.  

The book is centred around the author who wants to knit a "Mary Tudor," sweater.  Now for those of us who is not in the know like I was, the first thing you think is how can someone write a whole book about a bloody sweater/cardigan?  However before you know it you are sucked right into this real life story.  I was also sitting with my mouth open at the story behind the designer of the sweater pattern Alice Starmore.  Oh, I hope to goodness she doesn't sue me for mentioning her name?  She is what I would call trigger happy when it comes to suing folk.  

If you enjoy looking up things on Google this book is also for you, as there are so many names, things and places I had to look up, just to see what's what.  Chapter 7 was of interest to me as the author travels to Toronto to meet with various knitting people, so more places and people to look up.  The author does kindly say, "Given that I don't live in Toronto, which is quickly becoming the center stitch in the modern knitting world......." that makes me realize I have a lot more learning and day tripping to do right on my own door step.

Obviously the one thing you have to look up at the end of the book, is the cardigan that the author ended up knitting.  It is a piece of art, you can see a photo of it here, that is also where you can read more about the author of the book Adrienne.  Make sure you click on the photos to see the detail, it is gorgeous, and no wonder people ooh and aah over it.

Here are links to other things mentioned in the book:

Virtual Yarns

New York State Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck

Yarn Harlot - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Purple Purl

Amy R. Singer -

Lettuce Knit

The Knitter's Review Retreat

Camilla Valley Farms - super close to where I live.

There are many more interesting people and places mentioned in this book.

Stars out 5 : 5 Loved the book, very interesting.  Well worth the read even if you don't knit.

Had another good frustrating time at The Knitting Basket on Tuesday.  Angie was trying to teach me the Magic Loop way of knitting mittens.  I just couldn't wrap my head around it at all.  Will keep trying though.  Here is her latest blog post.

Too see more blog posts in this week's Yarn Along with Ginny, please click on this link.


Joy said...

That cardigan is absolutely beautiful.
J x

Gillian said...

Looks like a good book to read - the cardigan she made is gorgeous.

mamasmercantile said...

Delightful brooch but the book sounds amazing. It is now on my list to read.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Interesting post. Too bad I am such a crappy knitter.

angela said...

Just had a look at eh cardigan and it looks amazing. Her comment about the sleeves has got me really wanting to read the book now lol I am going to find it and read it. Love your flower. So very cute

Jenn Jilks said...

Great review! And the broach is sweet. I still can't knit.

The Cranky said...

I love the brooch, what a happy little piece!

Hmmm, my daughter's birthday is coming up... the book sounds like it would be perfect for her.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Your brooch turned out lovely. That book sounds good and I'll check for it at the library this week.

Craig said...

That brooch is very creative. Who needs diamonds for jewellery when you have a knitter in the family?

Donna said...

I have that book. I started reading it and got side tracked. I'll have to get back to it!

steph said...

I've heard of this book.....but had totally forgotten about it. I have a bunch of Alice Starmore's design books and have been intimidated by each and every one!!!! (I've heard that suing report, too!) In some respects, she makes Kaffe Fassett look do-able!! (I've actually done one of his designs.)
Love the little brooch....perfect project for the summer.

Rose said...

The book sounds good...not a knitter but I can believe still see it being a fun read. Will come back later to visit links, though I did click to see that sweater!

Unknown said...

Amazing sweater! The book sounds interesting. You would like the books by The Yarn Harlot, and her blog is very entertaining also. Nice job on the brooch.

Shirley Ann said...

What a pretty brooch! That book looks very interesting. I think I'm going to look it up and see if our librarian can't get it in for me :)

Sarah said...

Your brooch is beautiful and your book sounds fun! That is a gorgeous sweater.

Betsy said...

I have read the book already but you make me want to go to the library and check it out again! The brooch is lovely. with all the knitting I do, magic loop is something I have never mastered.

Connie said...

Love your brooch. I wish that I knew how to crochet pretty flowers like that.
If I lived closer, I would ask you to teach me:)
Have a wonderful week.
Connie :)

William Kendall said...

It is a pretty brooch! I've done the odd inadvertent delete on a comment myself.

Cat Lover said...

Another great book to look for. Thanks Gill! Beautiful brooch.

Stella Jones said...

Your brooch is very pretty Gill.
As a knitter I can appreciate the amount of work that went into the cardigan. It really I'd a work of art. What will she do next I wonder?

Mum said...

Wow, what a cardigan. Perhaps it should be hung up on a wall rather than be worn.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't normally consider a knitting related book unless it was a reference one but your description has me intrigued :)

Scrappy quilter said...

You would so enjoy Debbie Macomber's books. Especially any of her Blossom Street books.. The Shop on Blossom Street and Summer on Blossom Street are a couple of the titles. She also does knitting for charities.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'll have to tell my daughter about this book as she is quite the knitter...although she may already know about it. The sweater the author knit sure is a beauty! Nice job on the brooch!

Lucy Bowen said...

Lovely brooch, simple but so effective.

Becki said...

The concept of knitted flowers awes me. As a crocheter I understand them, but knitted flowers...much too complicated for me to comprehend. And yours is so pretty.

Elizabeth said...

The book sounds really interesting, I'll look out for it!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...