Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Resident in our garden and she is Royalty!

Look at the crown she is wearing!!  The "stone" body is actually resin, so no stones were harmed in her making.  Here she is looking at the new English Lavender plant:

I picked up this red Astilbe as well.
 As well as this pretty Dianthus.
We have yet to put down the new mulch. 
 Already the garden is looking a lot better.

We do pay for gardeners to come in on a weekly basis to cut the grass and every other week to weed the gardens.  They are paid through our monthly maintenance fee and they are USELESS!!!  I have contacted property management and basically told them that in an email, also cc-d board chair.  Haven't heard back from them yet.  So that's why we are putting mulch over everything in the hope of keeping the weeds down.  The state of the garden's is a sore point with me at the moment!!



Joy said...

Hope you manage to sort out both the gardening and the PC problems quickly!
J x

mamasmercantile said...

She is indeed royalty, a very impressive garden addition.

The Cranky said...

Smack the gardeners with the computer, take care of two problems at once!

Cat Lover said...

Your gardens are beautiful! We have a lot of the same plantings as you do. Too bad about the gardeners. I can imagine your frustration.

Craig said...

I like the "crown bird"! Your garden looks lovely. I think that the word gardener is often mis used. Landscape labour is more like it as many have no clue what they are doing!

Jane and Chris said...

Will she fly south in the winter,or will you overwinter her in a special place indoors?
Jane x

Unknown said...

Your royal bird is quite cute. I'm sure she will be happy to supervise the garden goings-on.

~Carla~ said...

I paid far more than I care to admit to get our front & backyard completely overhauled and they guy did not even 3/4 of it and ripped us off! SO NOT IMPRESSED. Now my sister keeps it up for us when she has time as we help her with university costs. What about hiring a student to do the work?

Rose said...

I love the royalty! Just simply love her!

I am wondering if you are going through what I went through with my computers. I have been afraid to say this, but mine seem to be over. Due to some of the same things happening on my Chromebook, I was convinced it was due to something with google.

I ran Malwarebytes several is a free scan and is always the go to scan for almost everyone. I also ran two or three other scans...nothing.

In the meantime, my chromebook which runs on the Chrome operating system and I don't download anything to the computer...appearances changed on it so I KNOW google was doing somethings at least.

I switched to a Bing Search on my windows computer and have had no more problems, and my chromebook has quit acting up.

if you want more info on how mine acted or anything, just email me.

barbara woods said...

Hope you can get your problem fixed, hate paying for something i don't get

One Family said...

I love that garden bird! So cute!

Betsy said...

Love your new "royal" visitor. She looks pleased with the star of your gardens. I love my garden "boy". It my Hubby and he does a wonderful job. I detest yard work myself. Hope you figure out your co outer issues.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hope you solve your computer and gardening problems. Love the new royal in your garden. ;)

Jackie said...

I love your garden. It looks beautiful. I do hope you hear from the maintenance people soon. Nothing worse than someone not doing their jobs. The mulch will help a great deal.

God bless.

angela said...

I think your gardens are looking great. Yes I'd be upset as well and Id keep at the relevant people until they do something.
Hope your PC is now all better for you xx

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I love your little bit of royalty there and your garden looks lovely, actually. We have the same sort of scheme here about the yard cutting but nobody cleans the flower beds but us which is why Hubs is pulling it all out now and starting over -- too much weeding! I love your dianthus. We had a whole bed of it but somebody's dog ruined it. At least we think that is what it was. That bed is getting the same treatment as the back bed - Asian jasmine everywhere! Lovely photos, I enjoyed seeing them.

William Kendall said...

A cute ornament! Hopefully both issues get sorted out fast.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...