Saturday, June 13, 2015

Which one do you prefer?

I took this photo on the way home from knitting on Tuesday.  All are the same photo, which one do you prefer?

On a side note, Our Little Munchkin was sent home from daycare as she was covered in hives again.  Dd called doctors office and they said it could be leftover medication in her system.  Then the antibiotics are giving her the runs poor thing.  She can't catch a break at the moment.  Here is a photo of her taken last weekend:


The Cranky said...

Poor wee girl, hope she's feeling better soon!

I like them all btw, I'm greedy that way.

mamasmercantile said...

Poor little thing lets hope she is feeling better soon. I like the 2nd photo best, it looks really old. Have a great weekend.

Craig said...

Poor wee thing - I hope that she recovers soon. I rather like the black and white finish. It looks humid... was it?

Joy said...

I like them all in different ways. Not a lot of help, am I? :-)
Poor little Munchkin. I hope she feels a lot better very quickly!
J x

Evelyn said...

I like the third photo Gill

Betsy said...

Poor baby. Shee is so cute and I'm very sorry she still is sick. Hopefully all will be well soon. I like all of the photos, but my favorite is the first one. I like "real" colors!

Cat Lover said...

I prefer the first photo Gill. Hope Munchkin is better soon!

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I prefer the first photo. For some reason your photos are all bigger than the width of your post and the right side bar is overtop of them.

Stella Jones said...

I like the first photo Gill. Hope your little munchkin feels better soon.

Paula said...

I like the first one. The middle one makes me think a storm is coming.

Does your DD feed the Munchkin yogurt yet? They always say yogurt (the good stuff with the live cultures) is good for recovering from antibiotics. I don't know for sure because I won't touch the stuff :) Tell DD to keep track of her reactions to the different kinds of antibiotics. There are some (like erythromycin) that I just can't take because of side effects.

barbara woods said...

Hope she gets over this soon

William Kendall said...

The original works best for me.

Poor Munchkin!

Jenn Jilks said...

Hope the babe is good soon!
I like the sepia-coloured one!

Rachel said...

I like the first one and the third one....

Sorry your granddaughter is sick again. :(

~Carla~ said...

Top photo. It's rare that I ever like an outdoor photo in B&W.

Rose said...

I prefer first or last photo...maybe the last a bit more. Not sure.

I feel so sorry for Nora...and all you guys. She sure has had it rough. Does she itch a lot with the hives?

Unknown said...

I like the first one. Feed that little one yogurt (lots of it) whenever she takes antibiotics. If she doesn't like yogurt get probiotic capsules for her and mix with her food. The antibiotics are killing off good gut bacteria...yogurt and probiotics help replace it. It will help with her runny stools. Hope she feels better soon.

angela said...

Poor bubba. Hope she gets over it all soon.
I like the original the best with the black and white coming in second xx

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh dear! I hope she's over the hives soon! I like the B&W. ;)

Scrappy quilter said...

She is just so sweet. I like the b/w one the best!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...