Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Small bits and bobs for Yarn Along.

Nothing major finished other than another dishcloth.  I used this pattern on the top dishcloth; the bottom one is a plain knit one.

I went to the Knit and Sit at The Knitting Basket on Tuesday.  Angie is having a table sale throughout the month of June and I was able to pick up some goodies, like this yarn which I am making into a baby hat for the little girl born earlier this month.  This baby hat was well received, so I thought I would make her a larger one.
It's such a bright and light hat and so girlie.

I also picked up these goodies:
The three smaller balls, are for more baby hats, as I have another baby due in October (no relation to us, just friends), so want to include them in the gift I give the new parents. I love knitting with that type of yarn.  The larger ball is for a project I have in mind......I will reveal more later!!

One thing I have discovered that like quilting, my stash of yarn is getting bigger and bigger, and I swore up and down I wasn't going to start a stash of yarn!!

If you do a craft or hobby, what do you have a stash of?  And is it out of control (LOL)?

For more Yarn Along posts, please click on this link.


Tracey said...

Hi! Do you use cotton for the dishcloths? You've probably told us and I've missed it, but I didn't think you'd mind if I asked again!

Anna of Mutton Style and Years said...

I don't really have a hobby. My family is my hobby and taking the mick out of Mr Him. My stash of Mr Him's might be out of control.

Gillian said...

I bought yarn to make dishcloths but that's as far as I've got. Yes, I'm afraid I have a stash of yarn. It's not huge and I really try to keep tabs on it and make plans for how I'm going to use it. My main obstacle is getting enough time! I also seems to have built up a bit of a stash of fabric. Quite a bit has been given to me - mostly small amounts though probably enough to make a scrappy quilt.

mamasmercantile said...

I love a wide range of different crafts and yes the stash as got out of hand with each and everyone of them, particularly buttons.

Unknown said...

Gotta love a good yarn haul! I like that pink yarn for a little hat, I am busy knitting baby things right now too.

The Cranky said...

I'm trying to find a craft I can do these days... other than singing to my plants like a fool. Attempted mask making but my hand tends to zig when it's supposed to zag.

Cat Lover said...

Reading is my hobby and yes my stash of books can get out of control. Periodically I have a clean out and take bags down to the thrift store. I love the knitted dishcloths.

Maggie said...

I love that Rico yarn, i did Jenny a blanket for Oliver in that.

Funny how when you start a new hobby how the stash just grows, lol
I said i wasn't going to buy anymore until i'd finished my Autumn blanket, but
this morning i bought the yarn for the crochet bag-a-long on FB, lol

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

Love the pink yarn - that will be a gorgeous hat!
OK, I hate to admit that I have three stashes with lots in them - yarn, quilting fabric and books. But I do use them, I promise!

Jane and Chris said...

Are my cats considered a stash?!
Jane x

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

I take photographs of miniature scenes and I've accumulated so many things to use as props. I don't think I'm out of control but I probably am!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I have a stash of quilting fabric/supplies and a stash of cross stitch materials and supplies and a huge stash of books. No, I am having absolutely no problem dealing with these abundant masses of stuff. I just no longer allow myself to go into bookstores, craft stores, needlework shops etc until it is all used up. That will probably be never. And, if I acquire more I will probably have to move. Hahahaha!

Unknown said...

Yarn is my biggest stash, but I also have beads, and some card making supplies. I do believe yarn multiplies when you aren't looking.

Paula said...

I only know 1 knitter who doesn't have a stash! Luckily we have a very small 3rd bedroom that I use for storage of my fabric and my yarn. I've got it all sorted into 'Rubbermaid' boxes by size because our house is terrible for moths. I found my stash got much bigger once I mastered socks. It's so easy to pick up one or two skeins of sock yarn. It's a great 'souvenir' to bring home from holidays too.

momto5 said...

that pink yarn!!! oh my goodness, just lovely!
and yes, i am so guilty of having a stash! knitpicks catalog came the other day and i was already planning a order, and i still have a box of yummy yarn that hasn't even been touched! LOL

flyingjen said...

Yes, I have a huge stash, but it was mostly gifted to me yarn and then leftovers. But I don't buy yarn for a stash, rather i have a pattern and buy for that!

Barbara at Knitting | Work in Progress said...

Stashes, plural: Have diligently whittled the fabric stash to almost manageable size, but there's plenty of room for improvement.

My current focus is the yarn stash: It now fits (more or less) into the designated cupboards, but there's still plenty of yarn to keep me busy for more months/years than I care to admit ;)

Cherie said...

Gill, I have a stash of everything... you name it and I can pretty much be sure that I have a stash of it. Currently knitting for a yarn bomb so working my way into the stash of yarn.

Donna said...

Do I have a stash? Hahahaha!!! Not quite an entire room full, but it's pretty close! I do try and keep it under control. If I know I won't ever use something I will give it away. My biggest stash is sock yarn and mostly because I knit socks as gifts several times a year.

Little Red Hen said...

I have a yarn stash which, when scattered throughout the house, does not look all that big but when it gets sorted out into a few big bins, it's quite a lot. Of course, sock yarn doesn't count because they're so tiny. And those little balls of bamboo don't count either.

Becki said...

I'm afraid that I end up collecting a stash for pretty much any craft I've ever undertaken. I have yarn, embroidery floss, beads, scrapbook paper, nifty old books that I think I'm going to alter... I keep it pretty well organized and hidden from plain view so somehow that makes me feel better about. Until I open a drawer or bin and am faced with my addiction - I mean, collections.

elizabeth said...

Yeah. So my husband and I, as he knows about my stash of yarn (!!!), before I started learning to sew, but was planning on learning it so I could make a quilt, was quite concerned that soon I would have fabric all over our home. A valid concern. :) So we agreed where I can keep fabric and also that I would get the first quilt made in 1.5 years (I am a third through the quilt top already!) and he would have to get the office under control by the end of this year. Here's hoping! :)

Knitting is fun and yarn is so fun to get; I am more careful not to get more yarn but that is in part because I have figured out what I like to make (blankets, wash clothes esp) and I also want to do some stash busting. .... :)

McVal said...

My fabric stash is ginormous!!!! I need to cull but don't want to...

William Kendall said...

From the sounds of what you're up to, my late aunt would understand very easily; she seemed to always have a knitting project on the go.

Elise said...

Ooh lovely yarn colours! I have a small place and a six drawer stand from Ikea - if that fills up I'm in trouble! Luckily I can just about manage to control myself... :)

Jackie said...

Ahh, lets see. I have a fabric stash, a yarn stash, and embroidery and cross stitch pattern stash, embroidery floss stash and a couple more that I won't mention as it makes me look like a mad hoarder.

God bless.

Rose said...

Oh, I love that pink!!! I have a huge stash of fabric....I bet I have enough to last me a lifetime...but I keep buying more!

Rose said...

I think I just clicked before my comment went through...will check back later and repost if it didn't go through!

Craig said...

Good to see my last name (Paton) being used on your yarn. I knew I'd be famous one day!

angela said...

I quilt, knit,crochet and do stitcherys I have a lot of stashes. So much so that I had to build myself a craft room lol

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, I have stashes of fabric, yarn, paper, beads.... Way too much stuff!! ;)

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...