Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Yarn Barf on Yarn Along

It's one of those terms I had never heard off until I started to knit.  This is what Yarn Barf looks like:
What's even funnier, Gillian was showing us on this post How to Wind a Skein of Yarn Yourself.  Guess I should have read that first before I started knitting.

I have read two books this week.  Rosewater and Soda Bread by Marsha Mehran, you can read my review here.
 Also The Vagrants by Yiyun Li, and you can read my review here.
I have been putting the binding on Our Little Munchkin's quilt this past week.  So very little knitting has been done.  I did go to The Knitting Basket to the sit and knit and got a little more done on my dish cloth:
However I have pulled it all out again, as I got lost in the pattern.  I find I can't concentrate on my knitting when talking.  I know don't talk, but it doesn't happen that way!  This dishcloth is proving to be a tricky thing to knit for some reason.........

So here we are now, just plain knitting:

I prefer the prior pattern and may give it a go again later when I spend more time concentrating.

For more Yarn Along with Ginny posts, please click on this link.


Out My window said...

I would love to start knitting. I just don't have the time. I have two spinning wheels one that does regular yarn and one that does a fine yarn can't use those either. Don't have time. Someday I will have time. I think?

Gillian said...

That really is a yarn barf! I've had them too though not while trying to wind a skein - only when coming to the end of a large pre-wound ball of yarn. Your sidhcloth looked nice in the pattern but it's hard to lose concentration! Do simple things when you're with a group chatting and keep the fancier stitches for when you can concentrate. I'm going to my crochet class tonight so really looking forward to that! Lots of chat and laughs plus, remarkably, a lot of crochet.

mamasmercantile said...

I have never heard that term barf either. Love the colour of your yarn.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

I will have to check out those book reviews. So many good books to read, so little time!

Mysti said...

When I had my go at crocheting (which I would like to try again, and if I had an opportunity to sit with people....I would eat it up!)....I was told that pulling apart your creation was called "frog" (or would it be frogging?) But I love yarn barf sooo much better.

Cat Lover said...

Again I wish I was crafty! Eventually I will have more time to read a book instead of just a quick glance at the paper. Look forward to reading some of the books you have recommend.

Jenn Jilks said...

Well, there you are. I was curious!

angela said...

Give it another go. One day your home and can just concentrate on it. You will find it will just click. I don't take hard things to knitting group for that very same reason lol too much chatting

Jodiebodie said...

Hello Gill,
I have come to your blog from Gillian's Hookin' a Yarn and can relate to your experience with chatting and crafting.
I am in awe of those people who can crochet at a hundred miles an hour and chat away (often also at a hundred miles an hour) and never miss a stitch. Me, on the other hand, am not so good at crocheting during a rollicking conversation, either getting nothing done or finding mistakes later. My problem is I enjoy giving the other parties my full listening attention when they are speaking and lose concentration on my craft. Do you think chatting and crafting is a skill that can be developed or is it something we either have or we don't? What do you and your readers think?
That yarn barf is such a pretty colour. I hope all is not lost - not too many tangles! Cheers from Australia :-)

Betsy said...

Yarn barf. It's the bane of knitters and crocheters. I always have at least two projects on the go. A very simple one that I can do while talking and a more complicated on for my time alone when I could think.

Shirley Ann said...

Ha ha ha - never heard that term either but if barf can in any way be pretty that must be the only way.

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Oh yes, I have had yarn barf in my home a few times. :)

I have projects that I've worked on that I know I must pay attention so I go off to my room where it's completely quiet. I do try to keep a project that I can work on and talk at the same time just to keep my hands busy.

Helen said...

Oh golly, I've got whole bags of yarn barf - on the plus side, at least I can give them a name now - loL!

Donna said...

I have a friend who just loves to untangle yarn barf. I think we have all had it happen to us at one time or another!

Unknown said...

Yarn barf! I had never heard of that!! I like that term though.

Heather said...

Yes, yarn barf :-) Love your dishcloth! I often have trouble keeping track of patterns while talking too, and turn back to just knitting every row, at least I am getting something made while chatting me head off, and not worrying about messing anything up.

William Kendall said...

A good colour choice for yarn!

Paula said...

That's why most knitters have more than one project on the go. There's the knitting that needs concentration and there's the mindless knitting that's good for Knit Night or during a movie you want to ACTUALLY watch :)

Unknown said...

hope you don't get in too much of a tangle when you're knitting!

I tend to use a safety pin to help me keep track in a pattern. I'll put it through a stitch on row 1 of the pattern repeat and then I can easily count back to work out what row to do next :)

Rose said...

I love it...yarn barf! that sure fits. Right now I cannot concentrate on anything...whether talking or not, so guess I would be no good at knitting.

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