The people I cannot discuss on such a public forum, but lets say I could honestly wring some people's necks. However can't do that, but I can do this:
Both dh and Our Little Munchkin are sick again. Our Little Munchkin has an ear infection (again) and possible a chest infection. She is getting referred to a Pediatrician for further testing. Then the poor thing came out in hives (red bumps) from a possible reaction to the antibiotic.
Dh could possibly have COPD, will need further testing and he has never smoked a day in his life. Neither of what dh or Our Little Munchkin is life threatening but it is worrying all the same.
Anyhoo, this video has been doing the rounds and is really funny:
I think I also need to have this little girls attitude and all will be well:
Finally just because I like this song and it puts me in a better humour with myself!!
Have a good day!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Stunning quilt, Gill - well done!
Great videos, that little girl certainly has attitude and made me smile. Hope all goes well with your families health.
Sorry to hear of your problems Gill, life is a 'challenge' sometimes isn't it ? I wish I could just run away at the moment but 'they' would find me !!
Sorry that you need to deal with annoying people. Sending good vibes. I hope Little Munchkin and your DH will start feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so annoyed - good to vent about it, though. I hope that all your family gets better soon.
Oh I am sending hugs and the dancing girl with attitude does make me smile too. I do hope all is well soon. Hug B
I'm sorry to read that you're dealing with annoyances and illness; hoping that all are resolved quickly and to good affect.
All your videos brought a smile to my face, thank you.
I hate days like that!!!! My problem is I have a hard time not blowing my gasket with them, not a pretty sight :) Prayers for fast healing for your hubby and that sweet baby
Videos to put everyone in a better mood! I hope all those annoyances go away.
I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Great videos!
Sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you at the moment. It is worrying when little ones are continually ill, but she may grow out of it. My grand-daughter who is four years old gets ear and chest infections quite regularly too, usually when she's had a cold. As she goes to pre-school and there is always someone there with a cold it is inevitable that she catches it. I loved the video of the little girl. She put her heart and soul into that performance and seemed to be the only one who remembered the steps. Maybe we'll be seeing more of her when she's older.
Joan (Wales)
Sorry you're dealing with "interesting" people right now. It does tend to make like a bit frustrating. Love the videos though.
I want whatever drugs Cast-Boy got! lol
The videos....hilarious!! I love Cat Stevens and I intend to go find my CDs and listen to his music today. My son had many ear infections as a child. He had tubes placed so many times I lost count. He still has occasional ear problems. We finally had allergy testing done....found out he is allergic to all the stuff in the air basically. Allergy shots did help him some. Food allergies are harder to pin down but he is definitely not so stuffy if he avoids wheat. He is 38 so I have no control and he eats whatever he wants. I think its a good idea to have your Munchkin see a specialist, hopefully things will improve soon.
I learned the hard way that there's no point in being civil with annoying people.
sorry you got so many annoying things going on, hope your hubby and little munchkin are feeling better soon. love the video's, especially the second one, she's a natural sassie lol love it!
So sorry that you are frustrated, Gill. I hope your day holds some pure joy!
watching that little girl is just what was needed on another rainy day this week
hope that little munchkin gets over this bout of whatever she has, she sure is getting everything that is going around
Cruised through your last few entries. I do hope hub and GG are on the upswing. Most worrisome.
You make me dizzy with all the projects, I see your dishcloth row error, try a diagonal one, they're easy and you can make a built in hanger.
I know, certain people make me crazy too, I'm in avoidance mode at the mo.
Oh my Walker gave me a good laugh, thanks!!
Hubby did smoke and he has it along with who knows what else. But he has had it for 11 years and it has just slowed him down some
Sitting in bed Sat morning laughing my head off. Thanks You should get pissed off more often.
Oh, I hope your hubby doesn't have COPD...and glad they are checking Nora farther. It is sure worrisome when they stay sick forever.
Those little girls are adorable! They got a big smile from me...and always liked Morning has Broken....
I wonder who/what has made you mad....LOL I know I sure get that way every now and then. I don't usually even say anything on here.
Sorry to hear about the illnesses. I hope that things start to improve soon for them and you as their support. Great videos!
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