I have mentioned before about the male red cardinal attacking his reflection in our window. It still hasn't stopped and is driving us crazy, plus it must be hurting him as there is blood on the window now. So on Sunday we headed to Barrie to Wild Birds Unlimited to see what they stocked. The Barrie Store is one of the franchise stores and is owned and operated by Steve, Dianne and Kristen Martyn. Kristen was working on Sunday and was a fountain of information.
The store is laid out so nicely and is bright and airy.
I bought one of theses stackable feeders and it was a pretty good deal at $16 for the food and the feeder. They would make a great Christmas gift.Everywhere you looked there was more product all displayed nicely.
The different types of feeders were so different and as Kristen told us, each one had it's pros and con's depending on what type of bird you wanted to attract.
The floral display in the rain boots was a lovely touch.

Even the bag every thing was packed in was really pretty and reusable. I bought a small bag of Safflower seed to try, as black birds and squirrels don't like it but other birds do, you can read more about it here.
I also decided to sign up for the daily saving club which cost $25 for the year, there is more info here For joining I also got a small bag of No Mess Blend of bird seed, more about that here, a suet feeder holder and a clip to keep seed fresh, plus an information book, with a 20 % off coupon in it.
Now the reason we went to the store was to try and cure the red cardinal problem. So I bought the product below called "Cardinal Alert." It's a strip 6 inches by 48 inches and you put it on the bottom of your window on the outside. I will say the reviews are not that great for the product but anything is worth a try. I'll let you know how we get on. As I am typing this on Sunday evening the cardinal and his wife have been by but he didn't attack the window.
To see if there is a Wild Birds Unlimited store near you click on this link.
Can't see the strip! Do you get bird poop on the window with the feeder there? I get bird poop without a feeder!
All very interesting. I love those window feeders.
Check out FLAP website (Fatal Light Awareness Program),they have good advice on correct placement of feeders.
Jane x
Hope this works for you because the poor Cardinal must have a really bad headache by now.
Lee Valley also see a spider web attachment were the bird can see the threaded spider web and will not fly near it. Check it out if this doesn't work.
Great looking store with lots of feeders.
Let us know how the window feeder works out, I've been contemplating buying one for the winter months.
Wonderful write up Gillian. Lovely to have met you and can't wait to see you again soon :)
- Kristen
Lovely write up Gillian. It was wonderful to meet you both and I can't wait to see you again soon :)
~ Kristen
I sure hope this works...hate to think about him leaving blood.
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