Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Moody skies, then a sunnier one.....

I was cutting grass on Monday afternoon and it looked as though we were in for some rain.  However other than a couple of spots, nothing.  Ten minutes down the rain, pouring down.  Guess we were lucky?

Looking north:
 Looking East:
 Looking south west towards our house:
 Looking North East a bit later on:
I love the look of those big open skies around here.


Tania said...

Beautiful skies Gill :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Great shots Gill if there is a cut field of hay down you can bet that is where the rain came down:) Hug B

Jane and Chris said...

Chris and I popped out to the veggy patch last night..we were there about 10 minutes and the rain suddenly pelted down.Did you send it over?
Jane x

Debby said...

What beautiful photo's. Seems all we have gotten this summer is rain and floods.

Holly Hollyson @ Full of Beans and Sausages said...

I am fed up with the weather!! How is it England is having a heat wave and we are having such grey, dull weather?!

Em Parkinson said...

I love your skies too! It's VERY grey over here at the moment but I suppose the heat wave couldn't last.

Rose said...

That last shot is to die for! Totally love it..love the other stormy shots, too.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...