well and truly fed up. No idea why, maybe having constant toothache isn't helping my mood. The weather was rotten on Saturday and Sunday I found it a bit hot for me? I also broke the belt on the lawn tractor on Sunday afternoon, so that means a trip up to Barrie on Monday afternoon to buy one of them, so no doubt there won't be much change out of $50 to $75 knowing our luck.
I have no interest in the garden, although I did make a half hearted attempt at weeding one of the flowers beds. The potatoes and onions are still not planted, and I don't anticipate them ever being planted at this point. I just need a kick up the rear end to get me moving.
Did I tell you I got bitten on my ankle with some sort of insect? It wasn't a mosquito, as it didn't swell up that bad, but boy did it itch. I ended up getting some Benadryl liquid stick thingy to put on it. It's finally stopped itching four days later.
I am also heading to the hospital on Wednesday to have tests done on both my arms. I had the carpal tunnel operated on my right hand in 2002; however I am having the same symptoms again in both arms. However this time I think a lot of it has to do with the nerves in my elbow. My left hand is particularly bad, and the finger tips go numb so easily. I was washing my hair and I lost feeling in the thumb and two fingers next to it. Have the same problem when I am holding the telephone, so figured I had better get it looked at before I permanently lose the feeling in them.
Well on that "happy" note I will sign off and hopefully I'll cheer up soon!!!
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
Hello Gill
Sorry about the state of affairs at the moment - could be worse tho' - it could be snowing lol
Theres just one thing you do need to do and that's keep the raspberries alive
Take care
Oh Gill, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time...I'm hoping things get better, and YOU get better too!!!
Having toothache as well as everything else is bound to make you fed-up. Hope tomorrow is brighter for you.
There is only one way out of this: Hire a young good looking helper whom you will supervise picking the weeds while you sit in a lawn chair with your feet up, sipping a nice cold drink and NOT looking at his bum, of course, as he bends over! (Sure cure for all kinds of ailments.) ;)
The 8th is coming, then you'll feel better....much better
Jane x
Aww... Hope things look up for you soon! :)
So sorry about things at the moment -- I can sympathize with the tooth issue and the hands, I feel your pain. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. As far as the belt on the tractor -- I would probably get a goat although Iris's solution sounds a lot more plausible! I am new to your blog but I am enjoying it very much.
I agree with Iris! Wholeheartedly.
In fact, I might try out her idea to see if it works.
Sorry you're having a rough go of it :o( I hope you cheer up soon!
Sorry you are feeling out of sorts today.
For your nerve problems have you ever considered a chiropractor?
All of your nerves go through your spine - if it is off even the slightest, it causes problems elsewhere. I had horrible indigestion problems releived by the chiro. I was very sceptical of it before but a big believer now.
I go on about chiropractic, but is has helped my hands. I used to flip around like a fish at night because both hands/arms had fallen asleep. That has not happened in 3 years thanks to my chriopractor. http://www.dufferinfamilychiropractic.com/. Karen
Take care with that nerve problem. You're right to go to the hospital with it. I had a peculiar illness from an insect bite back in 2004. It was called Guillame Barre Syndrome. I'd never heard of it before but it is one of those immune system illnesses where the body over-reacts to things like toothache and insect bites. Your body is coping with a lot at the moment and you need to give it time to rest and get better otherwise you could get really ill. Please don't ignore it.
Sending HUGS your way and I hope this helps.
If not take Iris advise which was really funny and we know laughter can cause great endorphin's to ease the pain.
Sorry to hear that Gill, and do hope you are feeling better today. Dealing with tooth problems would put me in a bit of a funk alone.
Sorry to hear that Gill, and do hope you are feeling better today. Dealing with tooth problems would put me in a bit of a funk alone.
Just today reading this...trying to catch up on all I missed while daughter was home..let us know how this day has gone.
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