Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I haven't posted sooner..........I have no idea where the last few days have gone too?

Been busy since I last posted.

Saturday: spent most of the day down at dd.  I was doing baby shower prep stuff for dd, while dd and the guys were hanging doors.

Sunday:  Dh and I ran around doing errands and preventing dh from doing any work down the basement, as his knee was sore from working too hard on Saturday!!

Monday: Dh and I installed the door frames down our basement and put up the doors.  Have a double closet and the door from the main room into the laundry room.  Dh carried on down there doing other stuff and tidying up, while I baked in the afternoon.  Then we both sat down for a bit; I was reading.

Tuesday:  I put the first coat of paint on the walls and then had to pop into town to buy another gallon of paint.

Today: Well I will be heading down the basement to put another coat of paint on the walls and to prime the patio door and window frame as well.

Will say have had a hell of a headache these past few days, but we had a lot of rain yesterday and its humid around here, so that will do it.  I will try and get back into posting again, just want to get this painting over with.

Thanks for all you comments..........



Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

Hope your headaches subsides with the rain. I had a migraine with the weather changes on Monday.

Kaisievic said...

Hi Gill, sorry I haven't commented for a while but I have been so busy at work that sometimes I find that when I come home I just want to stitch rather than spend too much time in blogland. Sounds like you are getting really organised. How long until the baby shower now?

Jane and Chris said...

I know what you reading.."How to perfect grass stripes in lawns".
Jane xx

Rose said...

Glad you are just busy and not sick...other than the headaches and some of those are bad enough.

I have no excuse for not posting...seems like I just cannot get in the rhythm of posting regularly.

Birdie said...

Well you have been very busy. I hope your headache goes away. Is it due to the paint fumes? Fresh air and rest is what you need, :)


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I would have had a headache too with all that running around. Perhaps it was the smell of the paint! A x

Buttons Thoughts said...

Painting always gives me a headache it is the fumes especially in a basement. Take care of that rest is what you need and fresh air. B

Cash Only Living said...

Hope you feel better! My sinuses are like a barometer too--too much humidity and I get killer sinus headaches!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...