Monday, September 17, 2012

A Giveaway!!!!!

I am all excited as I was contacted last week and asked if I would like to review "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," movie staring Judi Dench, Maggie Smith and Tom Wilkinson as well as many other actors. 

"British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways."

Then to add to all of that, I was sent a gift basket as a thank you.  The gift basket has a package of Marigold seeds, which I'll plant next year.  A box of PG Tips tea, a package of Hobnobs (I LOVE THESE), a jar of Marmite, a jar of Branston Pickle and a container of Curry Powder.

They also sent me not only the DVD of the movie, but the Blu-ray disc.  We do not have a Blu-ray player, so I was given permission to give the Blu-ray disc away.

Now there is nothing exciting to do other than leave a comment saying you would like to win this.  Of course you must have a Blu-ray player, as otherwise you can't watch it.  Also does anyone know if you can play a Blu-ray disc anywhere in the world?  If you can, then it's open to anyone in the world.  If you can't well it's only open to folk who live in Canada or the US.

I'll draw a name on Sunday 23rd of September.

Good luck!

P.S. I haven't watched the movie yet, hoping to watch it later in the week, really looking forward to watching it.


Jane and Chris said...

Bu$$er!!! Don't have a blue ray.
Lucky you, Marmite....our grocery store has stopped stocking it.
Jane x

Cheapchick said...

I haven't watched it either but the movies was on my future list to see. What a great gift basket they gave you. Cheers!

Christy said...

I have heard that that movie is a good one. Would love to win a copy!

Cathy said...

You will love the movie Gill - Funny and thoughtful at the same time.
Its moved on from our cinemas now but I keep asking Dh to download it so we can watch it again.
Take care
ps Great to see you back and writing again.

Lena said...

I would love to win! Thanks for a chance Jill!

Lena said...

I'd love to see it! Thank for a chance Gill!

Vintage Jane said...

I would love to win the movie. It's been on my 'must see' list since it came out.

Paula said...

Would love to win this movie. I heard that it was very funny. We are a vegemite house, don't like Marmite but we are on our last jar boohoooo and don't know where to get anymore.
If you find anywhere that has vegemite I'd love a heads up.

Glad that you got your garage cleaned out that is still on our to do list.


chksnowqueen said...

I love Judi Dench and would like this movie, I am sure. Thanks Gill! Our local Bulk Barn carries a nice selection of British sweets. I am not sure if that is true of them all.

Christine in Almonte, Ontario

Debby said...

What a great gift basket! I can't wait to see that movie, I have heard it was good and we do have a blue ray player. Perfect movie for a girls night in

Niki said...

Some of my very favourite actors :) I would love to win this!

Niki said...

Some of my very favourite actors :) I would love to win this movie!

Elizabeth said...

What a wonderful gift basket full of yummy goodies!

I love Judi Dench movies, and would love to win this movie! It's on my list of movies to watch.

Both my DH and I love British and Scottish treats, and hit up a speciality store in a major city to stock up.

Unknown said...

Would love to win this movie and we do have a blu-ray. I love reading your blog.


Piece by Piece said...

I have seen the movie and really enjoyed it. Don't include my name in the draw.
Lovely basket of goodies, marmite I love that stuff.

~Carla~ said...

Ohh...! I wanted to see this, I heard it was a great movie! :) Count me in!!

Thread Snipper said...

I would love a chance...please drop me in the hat...thanks :)

megan blogs said...

I should also like to see this film and haven't yet. As it happens i *DO* have a blu-ray player, thanks to Himself. To date, i've only watched DVDs on it.

As others have said, i'm glad to see you back in BlogLand.

And, quite a nice gift basket there as well--thanks for thinking of us in offering the blu-ray copy.


Rose said...

I would love to enter to win...I usually like anything Judi Dench is in.

Shirley said...

Your basket of treats looks yummy. Though I haven't looked into it too carefully as far as I can see unless it says on the box that it is for a specific zone then it should be watchable elsewhere. It's a movie I'd like to see so I'd like to enter as I could watch it at my son's place.

Anonymous said...

Would love to see that movie! I just found your blog. Can't wait to read more.
nancy F

Ruthie Miller said...

just reading this early this morning. Would love to be included if not too late. What a terrific movie! It was so much fun.
Thank you for the opportunity and I hope you come and visit our tea blog which I share with my friend.
Ruthie from:

Ruthie Miller said...

I have a blue ray and I LOVE this movie.
Hope my first comment comes through. I know sometimes it takes time.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter. What great treats came with your movie. Enjoy!
Ruthie from:

A trip to the doctor's office.........

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