Monday, June 17, 2024

Back again

I honestly think I have nothing to talk about most days.  I lead a very boring life, just doing the same thing day in, day out.  So I always think what can I say?  So I guess I do a few posts, then take a mini break?

What's going to be on everyone's mind here in Southern Ontario this week is the weather.  We are under a heat wave and it's stinking hot and humid.  However on the weekend it was cooler, so hubby and I had a drive over to a village called Creemore.  Now I know I have talked about it before on my blog.  Here is a post from 2009.    They have a Farmer's market on a Saturday and so wanted to have a wander around that.

First a cup of coffee at the Bank Cafe.  When I walked into the cafe, I had a mini panic attack with the number of types of cups of coffee you could order.  Brought back flashbacks of being in the UK.  No I don't want a Flat White, I just want a normal cup of coffee.  The lady behind the counter was super nice, and we got drip coffee and added our own milk (me) and half and half (dh).

Now one vendor I fell in love with was Bloom and Spade, because they had bucketful's of ranuculus, which is a favourite flower of mine.  You can read more about growing ranuculus here.
Aren't those colours just gorgeous?
As it is our wedding anniversary this week, I treated myself to a bunch of their flowers.
Although beautiful I felt they were a little expensive at $25 a bunch.
I will say though they are holding up despite the heat, and they do look pretty.  The pink peony is also a show stopper.

The only other thing I bought was some lettuce greens from this vendor; which at only $3 a bag was a good deal.

I popped them into my Tupperware Fridgesmart and this is what they looked like two days later.
There was enough in that package to make salad for the two of us over two days.  I dressed it in a Balsamic Vinaigrette from Kraft, and added some cherry tomatoes and creamy feta.  Never bought creamy feta, and won't again.  We were not too keen on it.
So there you go something different from me.  I will probably be doing a couple more posts this week, as I do have a couple of other things to talk about which may be of interest to you.

For those of you who are suffering with this heat, hang in there, I see the forecast will be a little cooler next week.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I know what you mean about coffee shops - there are always too many different options to choose from.
Those flowers are beautiful and well worth the price. I know bouquets in the grocery store are at least that and they aren't as fresh (or as pretty!) as the ones you got.
Try to stay cool!

slugmama said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Linda said...

The flowers are beautiful. Do you pour creamy feta from a bottle?

Jackie said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Those flowers are beautiful.

If you could send us a bit of your heat, it would be appreciated. Today our high was 13C and lots of rain with dark dreary sky.

God bless.

Joy said...

What a lovely place and those flowers are stunning.
I tend to ask for a 'black coffee, please'. All the options confuse me too. xx

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...