Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beware of Scams!!

Son called us the other night to tell us what had happened earlier on in the evening.

They were having their supper and a guy came to the door.  Son answered it and the guys says, "I'm here to pick up the lawn tractor."  Son tells the guy he doesn't have a lawn tractor; the guy explains he has put a deposit down on it from an ad on Facebook Marketplace and was given this address to pick it up.

Son says maybe you have the wrong number/address, but he doesn't have a lawn tractor.  Off the guy goes, and son and family get on with their night.

Just after putting the boys to bed, there is another knock on the door.  It's another guy here to see the lawn tractor.  Again son explains, and again this guy says it's from an ad on Facebook Marketplace.

So someone was using son's address for a scam.  It looks as though one had given a deposit and the other was just going to view it.

Thankfully both guys believed son, because it could easily have turned nasty.  I have heard of this happening, but have never experienced it myself.  It goes to show have even using Facebook Marketplace is now not as simple as it seems.

Has anything like this happened to you?


slugmama said...

Nothing like that but I am constantly getting scam emails, texts and phone calls. If I was older and not so "with it" it would be so easy to fall for one of these. Thankfully I have a suspicious nature too. lol

Meanqueen said...

Not happened to me, but it makes me wonder if the two people were friends and were there to case the place out. Perhaps get a look around the back to see if there is any access to the rear of the property for a possible burglary later on. Be suspicious of everyone.

Joy said...

No, it isn't, and I feel for those caught out by them. xx

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

If only people put the same amount of time into doing good, productive, honest things that they do in dreaming up scams! Yes, I have heard of people having their Facebook identities hacked. I am glad that the two customers believed your son. -Jenn

Magpie's Mumblings said...

You hear about these scams all the time. I hope your son reported it to the police (not that I suppose there's a whole lot they can do). It's particularly scary though that the bad element are giving out your son's address.

Jackie said...

So many scams happening now. I hope that the men all reported it to the police.

God bless.

Sharon said...

Oh wow! That would have been quite scary had it been a woman alone or the people hadn't been so understanding!

Chris said...

There's absolutely no limit to the ingenuity of scam artists. Buyer beware is my motto! Also, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.

cross stitch update

 This is my latest update; I have completed stitching right up to this past Tuesday.  As you can see we had some stinking hot days last week...