Friday, June 28, 2024

cross stitch update

 This is my latest update; I have completed stitching right up to this past Tuesday.  As you can see we had some stinking hot days last week, and this chart does not include the humidity, so the temps were in the 40's a couple of those days.  Everyone was weary and miserable.  It's a lot cooler at the moment.

As I have finished my paint by numbers I thought I'd start another puzzle, I have two yet to make.  Dh bought me this Thomas Kincaide one for my birthday I think?  It's a 1000 piece one and flipping hard.  

I am making good progress though with it, as I have only been doing this since Sunday.

What are you up too crafting wise?


Linda said...

I am up to nothing and that really bothers me, but I have been thinking about what I can do, something right in my lap.

Patio Postcards said...

Good luck with that puzzle - it does look like a challenge. Crafting for me is getting cards made for birthdays coming up rather quickly. :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

That puzzle does indeed look challenging but it will be beautiful when it's done.
I'm currently working on a prototype for a landscape workshop I've been asked to teach in the fall.

Joy said...

It makes me feel hot just looking at those colours!! xx

Jackie said...

You have definitely had a very warm June. Not as warm here on the prairies though there is still time for things to heat up for the summer.

God bless.

Chris said...

No puzzle on the go at the moment - just working in the garden, but after the sun goes down.

Sharon said...

It's certainly getting warmer here in Michigan! That's a great cross stitch. Will you do it again next year? It would be interesting to see the changes each year.

I haven't been up to much crafty. I am trying to sort the craft room but it's upstairs which is hot and has no air conditioning so it's on a weather basis. I tell myself that if I do get it sorted I will treat myself to a window air conditioner.

Sunday Song...........

This is such a lovely song.  I haven't seen much of Demi Lovato lately?