Saturday, May 18, 2024

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked him to ask his gardener what it is.  The gardener thinks it's BUGLEWORT.  I am not sure about that.  Do any of you have an ideas what it could be?

Buglewort/weed is very invasive, and I do not want that growing all over my lawn.  So want to nip this in the bud before it takes over our grass.
I guess I should have put a warning about this photo.  Yes it's ants.  We have thousands of them under the interlocking pavers on the front.  What is the fastest way of getting rid of the little blighters?
Huge thanks for any and all help with this matter!


Linda said...

Spray or dench these ants with soapy water--dawn will work. This only drowns them, so other will be around. What kind are they? If they are under pavers near your house, are they in the house or under? Terro ant killer is what I use.

Boiling water will kill the weeds. Vinegar will, too.

Joy said...

I don't know about the first but I just put ant powder down around the house walls (outside) and anywhere they seem to like to congregate. It seems to keep them down and definitely out of the house.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Could you try spraying vinegar on them? I've heard that works but haven't tried it myself.

My Piece of Earth said...

I think the weed is what is commonly known as Creeping Charlie, very very invasive and hard to get rid of. The above ground runners put out roots all the way along the stem. I have pulled it up and used weed killers, however, it takes a long time to get rid of it entirely.

Not sure how to get rid of the ants, try what the options given by the other comments.

Good luck on both problems. said...

Food grade DE will do it.

Maggie said...

No idea about the plant, sorry. I pour boiling water on the ants, if you can find where they are going to pour it there. I've heard they don't like talc, you could try putting some down although I don't think it would get rid of them.

Karen said...

Make a syrup of sugar, borax and water and pour it liberally into the cracks. They probably are nesting under the pavers.

Karen said...

I have creeping charlie taking over my flower garden. I pulled all the plants I want to keep and moved them elsewhere, then treated the patches with weed killer. Jury is still out on whether it is totally gone.

Jackie said...

Oh dear, that is a lot of ants. We usually spray, but it is an ongoing thing around this house and yard.

Not sure what that weed is so can't help there.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Spray the ants with windex,it kills them.Also Ant Be Gone works well but is more expensive.

sally said...

Indorex spray from Amazon they won't cross it. Kills fleas ants flying ants. Brilliant stuff one spray across the door way or window sill lasts for weeks.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...