Thursday, May 23, 2024

Some garden photos

We had a couple of tornado watches yesterday.  I will say I am not a fan of tornado's.  The wind and the rain was really bad last night.  So I ventured out into the garden to see what sort of mess I had and was surprised that there was no damage.  I took some photos for you to see how it's looking.  We have had a lot of rain and heat, so everything is looking healthy, other than some brown spots on the lawn, where I was overly enthusiastic with the weed killer!!

Please try and ignore the clapped out caravan that is parked over the road.  It feels a bit like deja vu, as where we lived in the UK, we had a "delightful" event that happened every year around this time of the year, Appleby Horse Fair!!  If I see a horse next, I may not be responsible for what comes out of my mouth........just saying!!

There seems to be a lot of purple and lilac in the garden this year?  I am not doing as much with annuals this year.  I normally have six hanging baskets hanging off the pergola, but I can't be bothered with that.  I have one more tub to plant out front and that will be it.

Are you all set up for the summer in your garden?  For those of you down under, and you putting things away for the winter season?


coffeeontheporchwithme said...

The clematis is so pretty! Things that are blooming right now in my garden are also predominantly purple. -Jenn

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So glad the worst of the storm(s) passed you by! We still haven't gotten our car repaired from big storm last August but we finally have a date for at least part of it - Aug. 20th, more than a year past the storm. We just hope there isn't another one because that would be an insurance nightmare!

Jackie said...

I am glad the wind and rain did not do damage to your lovely garden. Here it has been too cold to do any planting as of yet. Especially with the threat almost nightly of frost. Hopefully very soon.

God bless.

Linda said...

I have three hanging plants. The rest are thing that overwintered in the pitch-dark laundry room off the carport. Some things are blooming, most are green. What is the name of the last flower? Your place is very pretty.

DB Stewart said...

Absolutely beautiful. We have one purple tulip. Sigh.

My Piece of Earth said...

It must be the year for all shades of purple, as I have noticed that is the colour of a lot of flowers blooming right now.
I escaped the worst of the storm, most of it was north of where I live. Glad you did not have any damage done to your garden.
Love the clematis, they are such beautiful flowers.'

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...