Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day.

Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got up at 4:30 am the fridge wasn't working and felt a bit warm he said.  How long it had been off for, who knows.  Nothing was spoiled though.  So I guess we have another 90 days to see if it's going to work this time round?  It really is a pain in the butt though not knowing if or when the fridge might stop working?

Now I did make my fish cakes.  Ended up using three cans of salmon with the mashed potatoes.  Made enough for three meals.  Popped two meals in the freezer.  All in all took me around 90 minutes, and that included washing up and tidying the kitchen.  I also used up some crusts of bread to make my bread crumbs.  I never throw them out, I just stick them in my freezer.

I also made a quick 500 piece puzzle.  Took me just a couple of hours over a couple of days.

I got this one from the dollar store for $5....nothing is ever just a dollar at the dollar store nowadays.
Here is a photo of the Thomas Kinkade one I finished as well.


Joy said...

Oh, dear. How irritating. xx

My Piece of Earth said...

Hope fridge is all fixed.
Fish cakes look inviting, may steal your idea and make some.
Pretty puzzles, especially, Thomas Kinkade one.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I came across an idea awhile ago that they suggest you do when you're going to be away and there's any possibility of the power being off...keep a container of ice cubes in your fridge freezer (main freezer too) and if you notice that they've melted and refrozen you'll know the power was off and that your food won't be safe to eat. I think, in your circumstances with that fridge, I'd be tempted to do that. At least you might be able to better gauge the length of time it was off by the degree of thaw in the ice cubes. Just a thought! Really hope this time the problem is fixed.
You did those puzzles fast! Both are nice ones.

Sharon said...

Fishcakes look lovely. Well done on the puzzles.

My son told me today that the dollar stores here in the US are putting up their prices...again. This time 1.50 (the lowest price as they have higher priced items). I think they need to change their name.

Belinda said...

Yum, we love salmon cakes. That's great to have extras in the freezer for another day.

Rose said...

That is not a bad price on that puzzle! I hope your fridge is fixed for good this time.

Jackie said...

Hope you are okay Gil.

God bless.

Chris said...

Hi Gil, missing you. Hope you will be back to blogging soon. I go through phases like that, too!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...