Monday, March 4, 2024

Cross stitch and paint by numbers

 This week's cross stitch update, also involves the start of another month.  When you think about it, January and February went by quite fast; or at least I thought so?

We have had some warm weather, but it was interspersed with some cold days. which has resulted in hubby being as sick as a dog and me not feeling great either. I wish the weather would make up it's mind what it's doing.  We have actually had temperatures into the double digits.

As I finished that puzzle I hunted out another paint by numbers I had picked up at Dollarama.  This one doesn't need a magnifying glass to see the numbers I am pleased to say.  For under $4 this provides hours of entertainment.

I managed to get another book finished and you can read the review here and start another one.  "Daughter's of War," by Dinah Jefferies, again set in France during World War II.

Have you had a productive week with your leisure time?


Joy said...

I think the year has whizzed past too. Not like last year when it seemed to drag on for ever.

Your painting is going to look lovely, I think. xx

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am glad you found another paint by numbers to do. I might like to try one soon since I have not done it since I was a kid.

Jackie said...

The months seem to be whizzing by.

Winter is still causing us problems. Lots of snow on the weekend and we are slowly digging our way out.

Love the new paint by number kit.

God bless.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Seeing your new paint by number made me wonder if it could be embiggened and done in fabric. It's fun to contemplate but dealing with all those little pieces would be difficult.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...