Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Family Doctor...........

Dh and I had another chat about our family doctor the other day and we both said the same thing again, we are fed up with him.  Have to admit, it was me doing the most complaining this time, but he is in total agreement with me.

Gone are the days when what the doctor said was not to be questioned.  Thanks to the Internet and media, we as patients are more informed than ever.  We are also not afraid to question what doctor's tell us.  Now to be fair to doctor's what we read on the Internet needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, but you can get a vague idea of what could/might be going on and with that question what the doctor is saying.

As an example, my dh was pretty sick last year with his chest, and he had the most awful cough.  Our doctor's solution was to prescribe him a couple of things and send him to a specialist.  After going back and forth, dh found out via the Internet one of his medications may be causing the terrible cough.  Mentioned it to the doctor and he said, oh yes, and changed his medication.  The result his cough has gone.  One of the strong steroid puffers that he was also told to take, was stopped when he saw the specialist as that too wasn't helping and could have made things worse.

Then there is me.  I am coming up to 54 years of age, and I think I know my own body by now.  Every month is an absolute delight nightmare of crazy things happening to my body.  It's even worse now due to my age.  Who knew menopause could be so interesting😕  Every month brings another set of issues.  Since last year I have been fighting on with my stomach, which includes, bloating, gas and constipation.  I mentioned this to my doctor and he thinks it could be celiac or IBS.  I said no, I think it's hormonal due to menopause, and he said no.  I go to see the specialist and guess what, he says he can more or less guarantee it's hormonal.  He didn't even think it was necessary to have a colonoscopy, but if I wanted one I could have one.  So I am having one, as the other test every two years grosses me out, the poo on a stick test.

Our son and daughter-in-law have been through hell and back these past couple of weeks, due to various medical personnel diagnosing something that was totally incorrect.  Luckily the doctor's at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, got to the bottom of it and everything is perfectly fine with the pregnancy.  

At the end of the day we have to be our own advocates when it comes to our health and do our due diligence.  Doctor's are very hard to come by where we live, and we are still capable of driving the 75 minutes to see ours, but if/when we move we will be finding a new doctor, as enough is enough.

In defense of our doctor he sees hundreds of patients every week, he is human and I am sure not all his patients are pleasant and/or easy to deal with, but it was his choice to be a doctor.............and as I always say, a family doctor knows a little of everything but is not an expert, that is why we have specialists.

Your thoughts?

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Just a little nudge.....

we only have 9 days left in the month of January so if you are doing the walking challenge and have set a goal, and need to reach it you have only 9 days left to do that walking.

However I can't talk, as I haven't even got 70 miles in yet.  Between the rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow and bitter cold temperatures I have missed a lot of walking this month.  Mind you I can't only blame the weather as we have had some nice days in amongst those days where I just couldn't be bothered to go walking.  I did manage to get seven miles walked today as it wasn't as cold.  I walked twice once for 60 minutes and once for 51 minutes.

I am hoping to move a couple more pounds of weight also by the end of the month, but I am not holding my breath with that 😊 I have lost four pounds so far this month, so I am happy with that.

I have more or less cut out milk from my diet, just have it in coffee when I am out.  I did make cauliflower with cheese sauce the other night for supper and blew up like a balloon afterwards, However it won't stop me eating it every now and then.  I have switched to lactose free yogurts, and almond milk if I have cereal that needs milk.  Not loving that almond milk, but it's only half a cup with a cup of cereal, so it won't kill me.  I don't eat too many eggs and they don't seem to bother me.  Cheese I don't eat too much off but did have the most gorgeous chicken and goat cheese panini at a restaurant the other week, gosh it was good.

Stopped having hummus and then had some the other day and again got a bad stomach from that; its the garlic in it.  So I am trying to avoid garlic and for the most part onions, but do have onions in recipes every now and then.  Changing the my diet is a work in progress, but I am incorporating some of the suggestions from the FODMAP plan.

I have developed an aversion to the treadmill???  No idea why, so I need to get back into the habit of hopping on it.  Even if its for just 30 minutes while the news is on.  I set the speed at 3 mph, so I can walk a mile and a half in 30 minutes, which over 9 days will be another 13 and a half miles to my total.  So I may just make my 100 mile goal for the month yet!!

By the way I am more than capable of walking at least 120 miles a month, I just need that nudge!!!  So please nudge away.............

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Squirrel Appreciation Day Today

Who knew there was such a day?  You can read all about it here.

The following information was put on our local Wild Birds Unlimited Facebook page:

"In an hour’s time, a squirrel can collect and bury 25 nuts. Unable to remember each nut’s location, they find them again by using a highly developed sense of smell."
"The Gray Squirrel uses its tail as a shield when fighting, as a blanket in cold weather, and, sometimes, as an umbrella during rain storms."

"The Gray Squirrel stocks its winter pantry by burying up to 10,000 nuts each fall. It also feeds on grapes, fungi, grasses, larval and adult insects, and amphibians."

We see more black squirrels then gray ones where we live.  I like to watch squirrels and don't think they are a pest like some people do.

By the way it's National Hugging Day and Granola Bar Day as well.  

So eat a granola bar, give someone a hug and watch a squirrel scurrying about!!  Enjoy your Sunday.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ever had.........

One of those weeks, where you just want to say enough and start afresh?

Well it's one of those weeks and we are only on Tuesday!

On a positive note I managed two walks today that meant I was over 11,000 steps which is good.  Also half way through the month and have walked 45 miles, which is under target, but a lot more than I thought I would do with the weather being so cold and miserable.

Then just because........

Hopefully the week improves for me and everyone else........

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Busy Saturday running errands.......

Spent most of Saturday running errands. Had to pick up the rug we bought, that I posted about here.  As it is 9' x 12' it means we have to clear out the dining room to put it down.  The dining room is 10' by 15' but as we have the large table that seats 8 we were finding the 8' by 10' rug in there too small, length wise.  I will post a photo when we have it laid.  The good thing about this rug it is top quality and if we move it will go anywhere.

I ordered dh some winter boots on December 26th, and to cut a long annoying story short two pairs finally turned up on Friday, so had to go and pick one of the pairs up.  Needless to say I don't have a lot of good things to say about this company, especially the online division of this chain.  Their online customer service division sucks!!!

Dh wanted to call into a store called Sayal Electronics to pick up something.  Now that type of store typically bores me, however I found it very interesting as they had all sorts of educational toys in there, to do with science.  I picked the three older grands up a new place mat each, a dinosaur one, a map of the world one and flags of the world one.  Told dh we need to go to the bigger store's nearer Christmas as they have such interesting things in it for the kids.

Went to Walmart and bought a new doormat, it's not the best quality but it'll do for the winter:
Then hit up the dollar store to get all the birthday cards for February and a craft to do with Nora next Friday as she has a PA day at school.  Love the dollar store for things to do with the kids without spending a small fortune.

We had lunch out at a place called Jack Astor's.  We haven't been in that restaurant for years, but were pleasantly surprised at the quality of food.  We had Crispy Broccoli Caesar Bites, as we had a coupon for a free appitizer, they were greasy and would not order again, luckily it was free.  Dh had the Chicken Clubhouse with fries and I had the Chicken and Goat Cheese Sandwich with salad for our mains.  Both were excellent, top quality and would order again.  Here is the menu.  I will say we found the place expensive; $3.99 for a soda/pop is crazy.  I always order water, dh won't.

All in all we had a good few hours running errands and spending time together, with me doing what I love to do, shop 😊

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Random Thoughts and Things

As I mentioned last week, I will be doing a weekly post about bits and bobs of things I have seen or done during the prior week.

Saw this website mentioned some where else and thought it had some lovely items on it if you cross stitch: The Nutmeg Company  I love the little Sweet Gingerbread Houses:

So pretty.

Found this very interesting to watch; I guess many years ago this was a normal thing to do?

Then eight months later here she is taking the eggs out of the solution:

Started to watch Fargo on Netflix, liking it so far; got through season one, started on season two.
Just found these video's:

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

It's a...............

We are expecting a grandson in May.  Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first child.  We are so very, very happy for them, and I know the rest of the family are also super excited.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

How are rainbows made?

Not a very good photo, as it was taken inside of the car; but that is part of a rainbow that we saw on Saturday afternoon.

I know we were taught in school all about rainbows, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how rainbows were formed.

Went to the Discovery Kids site and saw this article, which said it's all to do with rain and sunlight, but as it was minus goodness knows what on Saturday, I knew that wasn't the reason for the rainbow, as we had no rain, just snow and bitter cold weather.

I then looked on Wikipedia and saw this article about Sun Dogs, which made me think they were maybe Sun Dogs, as there was one on either side of the sun?

That made more sense than seeing a rainbow when there has been no rain.

Regardless, I have now read all about rainbows and sun dogs..........

Monday, January 8, 2018

Those 50 cent bags from Fabricland........

are really handy, and I am loving them.  Made a couple more things with some of the things from them.

I think in total I got 12 of the 50 cent bags that I talked about here.  Divided up amongst the bags were all these beads, and "button's."  The group of "buttons" in the top left of the photo, I actually have an idea on how to use them........

 I decided to make a necklace for Nora using all the beads and some elastic thread.
She loves to wear necklaces.  Her mother will trim up the elastic when she gets it.

There was also a piece of organza type material in one.  I cut that in half, got some cheap craft ribbon and thread and decided to make produce bags.  I only have one left from when I made some in 2008, which I blogged about here.
 I cut some pieces of ribbon longer than the width of the material.  Turned over the shorter edge and sewed a pocket wide enough so the ribbon could go through it.  Did the same on the other end as well.
Sew up both side seams, I just used a straight stitch.
I then took my pinking shears and trimmed the edges.  Tied a knot in the ribbon to join them.
Turned them right side out and there you have it, two produce bags in less than half an hour.
They are washable.  They could be made with any scraps of netting, tulle or organza.  The key to this project is to use a light weight fabric, so not to add extra weight and so the cashier can see the produce codes.  The finished sizes of these bags are around 10 inches wide by 12 inches long.

Simple, easy and good for the environment!

Another Barbie dress, made with more material from the bags:
Then dh bought some Forearm Forklift straps from Canadian Tire and needed a bag to put them in:

Both material and cording came from one of the bags.  By the way the Forearm Forklift straps got a 10 out of 10 from dh, as he along with son and son-in-law were moving a washer and dryer and the boys said it made life a lot easier using them.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Family Rug........

Once upon a time, there was a family who went out and bought rugs for their respective homes.

First it was the daughter who purchased the rug for her living room.

The mother and father admired it and decided they would like one for by their front door.  They ordered it and lo and behold it turned out they had ordered the same colour as the daughter.

Son and wife were visiting the same store and saw a beautiful rug on clearance/sale and thought that it would look perfect in their dining room.  They brought it home and it turns out it is the same colour as sister's and parents rug.

Son's wife's parents saw the rug and loved it also, so they went out and bought one.......this time though in a different colour, and I think it was for the laundry room.

Mother and Father needed a new rug for their dining room and after searching high and low decided that the rug they wanted was going to be the same rug as the rest of the family; BUT they would get it in a different colour..............

When the parents got to the store and saw the colour of rug in real life (chili), they HATED it, so decided to stick with the tried and true colour.

Their rug should be here in a couple of weeks and they will be very happy.

That is the story of the family who all love the same rug.  THE END

Here is the rug, which you too can buy from Pier One as well. 

Ours are all in the teal colour and it is a very hard wearing rug which will last for years.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Random thoughts and things......

I am going to do one of these blog posts each week, because sometimes things you want to say don't justify a full blog post.

This is what I wrote on my chalk board for January (all  my own words):
Friday was one of those days when you go outside and if you have any moisture in your nose it freezes; today will not be much better.  You have to warm up your car before going anywhere.  We are lucky here in Southern Ontario that we don't have to plug in our cars at night, like they do in the Prairies and Northern Ontario, as it's even colder there.

Due to the extreme cold temperatures my walking has been very little this and the treadmill must get better acquainted!!

Cutting things out of your diet which you love sucks...........just saying.........which in turn makes grocery shopping a pain in the'll get easier I guess?

Roll on the end of the month when I see the specialist and I can have a colonoscopy and get a good clean out😎  Not many people say that I'm sure!!!

Saw this post over at Lazy Daisy Jones where other bloggers give you their blogging tips, well worth the read.

Need to devote an afternoon to going through this, as I am a bit like what that image is at the moment😏

Friday, January 5, 2018

Crinkly Sun Baby Toy

I saw a similar idea online here.  This is my take on it.
What you need:

Two 7 inch circles of fabric
Something that makes a crinkly noise, like an empty cereal package, metallic paper, clean chip/crisp package.
for the sun rays 2 1/2 inch by 7 inch long fabric.

 For the sun rays, I used a jersey fabric that needed no sewing.  As you can see from the photo below you need to cut the fabric out, take one piece fold in half.  Cut at an angle around 2 inches; then knot the top.
 I used eight pieces and laid them out first to see how it would look.
 Pin the rays onto the right side of one of your fabrics with all the knotted ends placed in the centre of the fabric circle.  Baste stitch them all into place.  Remove pins.
 Place the other piece of material on top of the material with the basted rays on it with right sides facing one another.  Sew around the edge using 1/4 inch seam allowance.  Leave a 3 inch opening so you can turn it right side out; I left the gap between the rays.
Turn the right side out, stuff in the crinkle material.  Top stitch all around the top of the sun, closing in the gap.  
This will be fully washable, but I would not put this in the dryer and if ironing use a low heat.  I sewed a little homemade sun motif in the middle of the pink circle.  This is light enough for a young baby to hold and they will love to chew on the rays of the sun.

The yellow material was a piece from one of my 50 cent bags I picked up from Fabricland.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Walking Challenge..........

Over at Life After Money blog, Ilona has a walking challenge she hosts every year here.  I joined up and my goal is to walk 1200 miles in 2018.  I figured 100 miles per month was manageable.  Of course some months it would be more, some months it would be less.

I will post my month's total on the first of every month on my blog as well as Ilona's.  Feel free to join in here or over at Ilona's.  I also have a weight loss challenge that I have set for myself, which is to lose another 52 lbs by December 31st 2018.  I lost 33 lbs in 2017, and have managed to keep it off.  Losing 1 lb per week, seems like that could be manageable as well?

I am having stomach problems at the moment, which means I will have to change my diet/what I eat.  I will know more when I go and see a specialist at the end of the month,  However my family doctor has told me to try the low FODMAP diet while I am waiting to see the specialist.

Has anyone heard or has tried this diet?  I hate to call it a diet as too my mind diet is a nasty work, it always mean failure to me.  Changing the way I eat I guess is a better way of putting it.

As you know I have a Fitbit and love it.  If anyone wants to be my friend let me know.  When the weather gets a bit better I will set up challenges for us all to join in with.  It's bitter cold here in Southern Ontario at the moment, so even I am doing very little walking at the moment.  I need to jump on the treadmill and get some miles in there.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Barbie Clothes.........

Nitara was given a few Barbie Dolls from a friend, but very few, if any clothes with them.  So her mum gave me four of the dolls, so I could make some clothes for them and give them as part of her birthday gift.  One of the Barbie's I am keeping as my model; however I have discovered that not all Barbies are built the same.  Some have bigger bosoms (if that could be possible😕) and some have bigger butts than others???

Anyway, got her a bag of clothes made and here are some photos:

The strapless dress pattern is from here and it is such a great pattern and very easy to do.  Just follow the instructions, though I did alter it slightly as my Barbie's bosoms were a tad bigger so I increased the bodice size to 6 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches.   I did not put straps in those dresses as these are for a five year old, so wanted to make them as easy as possible to put on.  I was given some Lycra swimsuit material and that is the best for the little leotards, and tube dresses.

The leopard print jacket pattern is from here.  Pretty straight forward and I made a matching skirt by sewing a tube and putting some elastic in the top.  I found a scrap of fleece type fabric in one of the scraps bags I bought at Fabricland.

The two tutu's are just netting with elastic threaded through the top of the waist.  I will never win an award for precision, but I bet the girls (made a set for Nora as well) will love them.

By the way I bought this set from Amazon and the quality was rubbish.  The dresses were awful, I am just hoping that they shoes and other accessories are okay, as then it was worthwhile ordering them.

I will continue to make dresses for them as it's fun and I have a few ideas of my own I want to try out.

By the way despite washing all the Barbies hair and dousing them with conditioner their hair still looked like a rats nest, so I found some pony tail bands and just put their hair in a pony tail.  I am getting too old for this brushing a Barbie's hair lark!!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Quick baby gifts..........

I am seeing a friend of a friend's baby girl for the first time later in the month; and although I bought her some outfits when she was born, I wanted to make something little for her.  She will be four months old when I see her so I decided to make her a mini Crinkle Ribbon Mat and Cloth Baby Rings for her.

Below is the finished project.
The Crinkle Ribbon Mat was from this pattern.  

You need:
2 x 12 inch square's of fabric
1 x "Crinkle" material, now I used a piece of plastic silver find it where you get tissue paper in stores.  Or use the inside plastic wrapping from a cereal package.  As long as it's clean and makes a "crinkly" noise.
16 pieces ribbon, 5 inches each in length
thread and other basic sewing supplies

Pin all the pieces of ribbon to the material (as pictured) and then baste onto fabric using a long stitch on your sewing machine.  Remove pins. 
Place the other material you are using face down as pictured. 
 Then add crinkle material on top pin and sew all around the edges, using a 1/4 inch seam.  Leave a 3 inch gap so you can turn everything right sides out.
 Turn right sound out, clipping corners and then top stitch all the way round the edge, closing off the gap.  You are done!!!

This is washable, I probably wouldn't dry it in the dryer, and if using an iron use a low heat so you don't melt the crinkle material.

I used two fat quarters of material, and had plenty left over.  So decided to make a set of Baby Cloth Rings, using these instructions.  


I have been sewing Barbie clothes so am used to fiddly things, but these even tried my patience!!

A bit of a head's up if you are from Canada.  Fabricland sells small craft bags, mine for 50 cents each that have odds and ends of fabric, trim and beads, like this one.

All the ribbon on the crinkle mat was from these bags.  I also used a lot from the 10 bags I bought for all the Barbie Doll clothes I made.  If you need little bits of trim without having to buy a full roll this is the way to go.  

In other countries I am sure your fabric/craft stores have these sort of bags as well.

The fabric I used is Wildwood by Dear Stella, it is hard to find, but you can find it here.

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year and new member of the family......

A Happy New Year to everyone and I hope all your hopes and dreams will come true for 2018.

Here is our newest member of our family; Marigold!
As soon as we walked into Pier One on Sunday we saw her and had to have her.  At the moment is she on the opposite wall of our bed.  So when we wake up we see her...LOL  Her eyes are gorgeous and we fell in love with her right away.  I may move her to the dining room but will live with her in  our bedroom for a few days...........

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...