Saturday, May 23, 2015

Couple of interesting things I thought......

I deleted just over 2,300 spam messages from the blog.  I hadn't cleaned out the folder since the beginning of April.  You would think people would have better things to do than send all that spam?

As you know I belong to a book club, and we meet once a month, year round.  At the June meeting we are going to choose books for the next 12 months.  We all get to choose, but you do have to have read your book of choice.

I get to choose and the book I had in mind I hadn't read, so I ordered it from the library through inter-library loan.
You can read a preview here.  I am thoroughly enjoying it so far.

I live in a "small" town of 25,000 people and there is a lady in the library who as part of her job co-ordinates the book's for the book clubs in town.  There are 17 book clubs that she deals with.  Ours isn't registered with the library, and I am guessing there are probably more that are not as well.  For a small town I thought that was a lot of book clubs?

Are you part of a book club?  Are there a lot of book club's where you live?  How many members are in your club?  We have 12, but usually average around 9 or 10 members attending each meeting.


Kaisievic said...

Hi Gill, lovely to read about your book club. Yes, I am part of one which has been going many years now. We, too, have somewhere around 12 or so members but not everyone can make every meeting. We usually choose our books at random and I must admit, as I work in the publishing world I am often quite active in our book choosing. Book clubs are great, aren't they?

Evelyn said...

No don't belong to a book club and I am an avid reader. I just hate being told what to read. I belong to two or three facebook groups which posts what they read and what they think of the book. I also am a member of Goodreads and Fictfact which help me to track my books. I have OCd and I have to read series in order and can't start another book until I complete the series or can't get the books.

angela said...

No I'm not w part of a book club. But I'd love to join one. Maybe I'll start one myself. You know in my spare time lol

Pom Pom said...

My book club is fun! We are seven and everyone reads the book. I've been in clubs that don't necessarily read it or wish to discuss the book even if they have.
No dressing in the strawberry cucumber combo, just two very valuable plants with many nutritional attributes!

Janet said...

I don't belong to a book club, however have been thinking about joining one. I live in a small town and haven't been able to find one yet. thanks for the tip - I'll try the library.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Your book club sounds interesting and I'm adding the title of the book you are recommending to my list. I have no idea how many book clubs there are. We actually live in one city (pay our taxes to them) but have a mailing address for the other city. We live right on the border between the two. We are avid readers and visit both libraries.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good for you! I don't get along with people well enough to be in a club!
I know there is one in our town of 9000.
I'm amazed that your librarian organizes them! Good work.

Jane and Chris said...

No, not a member of a book club,nor would I join one.
Jane x

Rachel said...

As you know I love to read, but I do not belong to a book club. Not sure there is one in our town. There probably is, but my schedule is so hectic that I am not sure I would be able to commit. I enjoy reading and posting my reviews/thoughts on my blog though so it is like a virtual book club of 1.

Boopnut said...

I used to love to read, but it makes me so sleepy. My bff is in a bookclub. She enjoys it. Once in a great while, I will find a book I can't put down.

William Kendall said...

I'm not a member of a book club, but I am a steady reader.

Spammers never seem to take a hint and go away.

Cat Lover said...

Sounds like a good book Gill. I will look for it. I don't belong to a book club but I love to read. Usually have at least three books going at once.

Scrappy quilter said...

When we lived in Mb I was part of a book club. We had between 5 - 12 attend. The best book we did was My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. We had more out for that book than any other book we read.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I have been in the same book club since the 90's. We have only 5 members and we meet monthly for dinner and talk. Sometimes life difficulties trumps book talk but we always discuss what we read.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I have never been in a book club, as our lifestyle since I retired isn't conducive (too much time traveling). Have always read voraciously and occasionally I find myself reading Amazon reviews after I finish a book because of curiosity about whether others loved or hated a book as much as I did. I do get good suggestions from a few fellow bloggers although I don't read blogs that are specifically and only about books. And I think I just got a good suggestion from you!

Little Red Hen said...

I'm not a member of a book club and I'm not sure I would join one. Everyone I know who is a member of one has to read these really heavy literary things which don't really interest me. Our library helps you find a book club as well.

Unknown said...

When I was working we had a book club for employees. It was strictly for fun, we met at lunch (off the clock) and I enjoyed it a lot. I read books that I never would have considered otherwise. After I retired I really enjoyed the freedom to just read whatever I want. Recently, I have been thinking about joining another book club. I live in a community of about 3,000 and I know of 2 book clubs...the library and a local indpendent bookstore.

maggie said...

Yes! I joined a book club which a local library runs. They run about 3 i think on different days and times. I attend the saturday group and we meet once a month. The organizer, and librarian, Rachel chooses the books, usually they are something that i probably wouldnt have picked up but usually make for a good disscusion! I wouldnt have a clue to the numbers of our area, but as far as i know all our libraries run book clubs so i suppose there are quite a few.

Two problems I need help with....

The first problem is this weed that is growing in our and the neighbour behind us, grass.  He has a gardener come in bi-weekly and I asked h...