by something being killed and not happy about it, along with a bunch of coyotes happy about catching their supper/breakfast and being VERY vocal about it. I guess it didn't help that I had one of our bedroom windows open so it made the sound even louder; and it sounded as though they were doing it directly under the window.
Good news on the lawn tractor front I went to Barrie and picked up the parts and dh managed to put it all together again. Cost $130 for the parts and while I was in the parts depot I met a guy who used to repair Sears lawn tractors for a living, and he informed me that the other side will go as well eventually. Also told me it's a common thing to go on the tractor and our tractor is much too small for the amount of grass I cut. So I felt better after talking to him.
Thank goodness dh is so handy as I dread to think how much this repair would have cost if we had, had to take the tractor somewhere. As it was, the guy at dh's work had to "burn" off the locking nut to get it off. Also some of you suggested that my dh cut the grass. He has too many DIY projects to do that I can't do and I enjoy cutting the grass, so if I want the renovations done around the house, then I have to take care of the outside work.
I did manage to get the veggies put in the garden. Will go out and check them later to see if I have any left. I also spent a good 3 hours whipper snipper/edging - cutting the grass, and I managed to fit in a couple of hours of cutting the grass. I must admit that whipper snipping does not do my hands any good at all with the vibrations. They felt really strange for a couple of hours after I had finished it. Never mind; I have been wearing my splints on a night, as all the cutting and trimming I was doing with the quilt on the weekend also killed my hands.
Would you believe I am coughing again and coughing up green and chunky (sorry TMI.) I had stopped my inhalers, but I guess I had better start again. Has anyone else had Bronchitis and the doctor told you to use inhalers? How long did you have to use the inhalers for?
Going to spend the day outside cutting grass. Got Kamikaze hill done last night along with part of the field; only a small part mind you. So I want to see if I can get the rest done today before it rains. Reckon I will have about five or six hours worth of grass cutting to do. Enjoy your Wednesday.
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
That is a bit strange: the inhalors open up the airways to make your breathing easier but they dont deal with the infection which is causing the bronchitis in the first place. Have you been given antibiotics or had a swab taken to see if it is bacterial or viral? I know what you mean about grass: we get a lot of creeping buttercups and thanks to the guy who owns the field next door, they invade my garden non-stop. I have had to give up my flower beds because I just cant win so it will all have to be grass and hopefully the cutting with keep the buttercups away.
I just finished another round of antibiotics on Monday morning, this time for the ear infections. I will see how I am and if it gets worse, I guess I'll be back at the doctors next week?
Gill, if you're still having trouble breathing, take your inhaler. As for coughing up green, that means there's still an infection going on. I wouldn't wait till next week to get to the Dr's personally... especially since its' in your lungs. Feel better soon!! Hugs!
Our tractor has been away for repairs (a fuel leak),it's coming home on Friday...I was hoping to cut the (over a foot tall) grass this weekend,but it's wall to wall rain for days.
Jane x
Yikes, that is not a good way to wake up in the middle of the night :( My doctor told me to use the inhaler as needed when I had a persistent inhaler, and I only used it a few times.
Wow that is an awful lot of lawn to cut Gill I do not envy you. Good luck with the inhalers and getting sleep. B
Weird what you get used to eh?
That howling would freak me out
That sure is hanging on, isn't it...I agree about getting to the doctor for more antibiotics.
Roger is the repairman here, too. I sometimes wonder what we will do when he isn't able to do it all any more.
I hope you get better soon. :)
I have had bronchitis off and on for years and the inhaler I had to take (pulmacourt) I was suppsoed to be on for a long time but didn't help. i agree they have to know if it is viral or bachterial, only antibiotics can get it under control. Coughing up stuff is a good sign.
The Man in my house repairs small engine thingies for people. He has been having such an on going fight with Sears over parts! He isn't an "authorized repair person" - the closest authorized repair place is in Ottawa apparently. so they don't want to sell him parts.....go figure.
I haven't used an inhaler in ages, but my goodness girl, if you need it, USE IT! The green muck is probably infection so you should phone your doctor ASAP.
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