Have you ever had one of those conversations where you have no idea what on earth is going on?
Last week I called into a friends house to drop off some magazines. She was upset and in tears as she had just got a bill for over $2,400 for grass cutting/lawn maintenance for last year. So I said that seems awfully high how much is he charging per week. She said $200 and he also uses their equipment and gas/petrol and it takes him 3 hours.
This happened on the third day I had the headache so I said I'd think about the situation and get back to her. I told dh all about it and he agreed with me that this guy was ripping them off and we couldn't understand why on earth he was just billing them now?
Fast forward to Monday and I called her to say would she be willing to pay $50 a week as I was going to call the schools and churches to see if any teenagers would do it for her. This is how the conversation went:
Friend: "But I only pay $20 when the guy uses our equipment and $30 when he brings his own, plus it only takes him an hour."
Me: :But I thought you said he charged you $200 and it takes three hours?"
Friend: "That's the grass at the farm." (They have a farm and rent our the house to a lady who does no yard work, and rent the land to another farmer)
Me: "Oh you never said that?"
Friend: "Did I not?"
Me: "No, and did you speak to your son about all of this."
Friend: "Yes and he said not to worry as he had paid him."
Me: "So why was he giving you a bill now?"
Friend: "Because son told him too so I can submit it to the accountants."
So here's me thinking it was the house, and the bill wasn't expected and she had to pay it. Meanwhile it was for the farm and the son paid it (as he should, as he is inheriting it when they die). It also turns out he only charges $120 a week. I still have no idea why she was so upset about all of this and why she couldn't sleep for two days because she had got this bill, especially when it had written on it PAID IN FULL?
I guess when you only get half a story you think the worst? However it was very confusing......