I went for my first walk on Friday. It was a balmy 5 oC so figured this was as good a time as any to do some exercise. I walked round the perimeter of the subdivision three times and it took me around an hour and I walked around 6,500 steps.........though that doesn't seem enough? Regardless I at least hit the 10,000 steps on Friday for the first time in ages.
I found this on the internet and thought I might give it a try:
I have a goal of losing 15 lbs by the end of February. I really must try and get off these diabetes pills as they are killing my stomach. The gas and general overall upset stomach is awful. I don't know how people put up with it? I don't think it helps I seem to have inherited my dad's stomach issues. His dad also had stomach issues, so at least I come by it honestly as they say!!
As we are in January and the brunt of the winter weather will be upon us soon enough I am going to start using the treadmill also when I can't or don't want to get outside, as another way of exercising.
I think I will try this when I am on the treadmill, as this seems doable as well:
Do you have a plan of action for exercising during the winter months?
I am a British born, living in Canada since May of 1989. My blog is about all aspects of my daily life.
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Sunday Song
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...

The other day I was at the grocery store with my grandson. Had him in the shopping trolley buckled in and while we were waiting to cash out...
From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...
please let me explain why before judging me......... We took her to our vet last night to get a check up like you would do with any animal...
I had planned on walking every day while I was off over Christmas, that didn't happen as I wasn't well. I need to loose some lb's, I'm finding it harder as I get older to loose anything. I'm back at work on Monday, I only work until 1pm so plan on going for a walk straight after.
I walk once or twice or even three times a day regardless of weather. I only do 20 minute walks to keep up the motivation. My step goal is 13 000
I should also add that I have to shovel by hand in the winter so count that instead of walk and I have a push mower so count mowing in summer as s walk.
Ugh, I am sorry about the pills. Perhaps you will adjust to them? My husband is diabetic and in the last year as had some rather bad effects from it — we had to go to a diabetes counselor to sort out his eating. They put him on a new eating plan an his blood sugar has normalized to the point that he might eventually be off the injectable. I would suggest you see a diet counselor specializing in diabetes because it certainly did help my husband.
Good start!
I know what you mean about stomach issues. So many people have problems with Metformin.
I'm trying to be good. I don't eat after 1900 and don't get breakfast at work until 0830. So that's a form of intermittent fasting, lol.
One day at a time, one walk at a time.
As you may know I signed up to the International Walking Group, and have been doing that for a couple of years now. Always falling short of what I think I should be able to do, however, this year hopefully is better.
Over the past few months I have gained some pounds and having a difficult time getting rid of them, so a more concentrated effort is in place for 2020.
Plans were to walk outside every day no matter what the weather, well so far this year not one walk outside.....however, I have a valid excuse, both my OH and I have been sick as dogs since Dec. 29th. He has not had a sick day off work for 17 years, he broke that record this past week, taking all the days off he was suppose to work.
Finally, today we are feeling better, Monday is a new week, so walking I will be doing.
Good luck on your weight loss.
I don't walk every day but have had a few good walks during the mild weather. I find I have to have a purpose for my walk so it will often be to my local mall or coffee shop. When the weather is bad I have a step video that I follow. It is actually a better all round workout than just walking. Fitness classes (I signed up for two) start again next week so that will take care of the exercising. Also, shovelling snow!
Living in the country there are limited resources for recreation for us seniors. Thankfully I love to walk, and so does the dog. With this nice moderate winter, and a new knee, I was looking forward to some great walks, then hurt my foot. Sure hope it heals quickly so we can get back at it.
I wish you luck...
When the weather is bad I walk the underground path here in Toronto - you can go for miles! I am also looking to get back on the weight loss track after too much indulgence these past few weeks. I find that diet is the main component although exercise is certainly good for us - plus I enjoy walking (as long as I don't have to wear boots)!
I've done some cooking today and I'll prep some hot veg tomorrow and pick up some salad greens as I'll be back on low carb come Monday. It works for me and I don't feel hungry so I find it to be doable. I have a lovely Winterlicious lunch to look forward to at the end of the month (part of a Christmas gift) so I will be quite strict until then.
Good luck with your walking.
Good work. You have a plan. It's a matter of habit, isn't it?
I walk through the winter regardless, but if it's a bad weather sort of day I will take the bus either to or from work.
I swim, nonetheless.
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