Saturday, January 11, 2020

Batten Down the Hatches........

Looks like we are in for a nasty ice storm on Saturday and Sunday.

I so hope they get this wrong, but I don't think so.  Here is a link to an article about preparing for an ice storm.


Joy said...

That looks nasty. Stay safe and I hope whatever comes causes you no problems.

Practical Parsimony said...

I hope you are prepared.

Karen said...

We were out of power for an extended period of time during the 1998 ice storm. I think we have ourselves set up to keep going through another one now. Living back in the deep countryside on the edge of Algonquin Park, power outages are pretty routine down here. Losing phone and internet bothers us more than anything.

Evelyn said...

We are getting the same mess

Jackie said...

Hope your storm isn't too bad.

We were hunkered down here due to extremely cold wind chills over the last few days. Today could be warmer, but I am not holding my breath.

God bless.

Jenn Jilks said...


Anne in the kitchen said...

Hope this passes you by with little ice

Stella said...

I live in Iowa, USA and we got ice and snow on Friday. It was heading your way. Have a daughter that lives just north of Dallas, Texas and they also got ice and snow after they had severe thunderstorms with tornado warnings. Stay safe.

Chris said...

Car is tucked safely in the garage and I'm not due to go anywhere until Sunday afternoon. Hopefully the storm will have passed on by then and not left too much debris in its wake.

Dar said...

We are getting it today too. Stay comfortable and safe!

Margie from Toronto said...

It's now Sunday morning and just starting to get very grey again here in the city. I had to go out to a class yesterday and it poured, heavily and non-stop, from first thing in the morning until late last night here in the city. Had to hang up everything to dry when I got in and my umbrella was sopping wet and went straight into the tub!
Was expecting things to be really bad this morning but it looks as though it has held off - looks as though the snow will start about 4am tomorrow - just in time for Monday morning rush hour!
I live next to the Humber river and people are being warned not to go near the water's edge as the river has overflowed its banks and the ground could give way - plus its a muddy mess a the moment.
I may prepare a flask or two of tea and a smoothie for breakfast in case I wake up to a power cut. If it happens I'll just stay put for the day.
Hope you aren't too badly hit - stay safe.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I am so sorry that you are getting that from us! I can tell you how to prep for an ice storm — go to the store buy lots of toilet paper and every food you like and get some good books, batteries, and probably a generator so you can still watch tv!

William Kendall said...

And now a week later we've got a substantial storm incoming, according to forecasters.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...