Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Look who came to visit yesterday......

This one was a very curious squirrel as it came right up to the window to look at Molly and for once Molly didn't bark.  It sat there eating the bird food for ages, very comfortable knowing we couldn't get it.  We also have a poor rabbit wandering around, I put a carrot outside for it last night, but I see it's still there.  Mind you I will be cursing it come summer when it eats my veggies in the garden no doubt.

It is very, very windy today, and was all night, so I am going to be snow blowing today.  I have had a couple of days off so I shouldn't complain.  We have wind chills in the minus 20 oC today again....when will this winter end?

February is always the longest coldest and most depressing month of the year as far as I am concerned,mainly due to the weather.  Which month do you hate the most and why?


Janet said...

Gosh ! there`s no way our dog would be sitting quietly like that-the window would beall steamed up and covered in doggy nose prints !

cassie said...

-15 here today :( brrrrrrrrr!

MyBulletinBoard said...

This one!!! Snow is drifted up around the house. Minus 1.5 F. I'm tired of the cold, too. ~Liz

Jane and Chris said...

My birthday is February, wedding anniversary is March so I have to like those months;Christmas makes December a good month so I guess my least favourite is November...the grey time before the snow falls and covers up all the dead looking things!
I keep all my carrot peelings, outer cabbage leaves,stalks from greens etc for the rabbits during the winter. I figure that if they are well fed they will be healthier and less susceptible to disease.
Jane x

Piece by Piece said...

We had wind chills of -25C last night. I am so tired of the snow, don't mind the cold.
My least favourite month (s), December, January and February. In my perfect world, it would snow and be cold on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Then it would all melt by New Years and gradually get warmer and warmer.
Don't get me wrong, I like the change in the seasons, just wish Winter would last one week.

Valerie said...

Loved the picture. After a spell of barking and chasing squirrels my dog resorted to stare-outs. Don't wear yourself out snow-blowing while you have a cold.

Shammickite said...

I like February because it seems such a short month... only by a couple of days, but it always seems to fly by. Here we are at the 9th already!!! And it seems like only a day or so ago that I was saying "Rabbits" for the 1st of the month. Do you do that?

DeniseinVA said...

Hope you are feeling better after that nasty cold. This is such a cute picture of Molly and your squirrel. They do seem fascinated with each other. My least favorite month of the year is August, because it is incredibly humid and I can't go out in it for too long without feeling ill. Bad enough in July. Heat I don't mind, it's the humidity that gets me.

Scrappy quilter said...

Heh Gill, it was -33C this morning at 8 and -44C with the windchill. Guess what, that's heading your way. I know you didn't want to hear that. Hugs

Canadian Saver said...

I find January super long and stormy and also March, but for some reason don't dislike February.

I think my least favorite is July though, I HATE high heat and that's when we have the worse heat waves......

Karine said...

That must be a yoga master squirrel in order for him to be so 'zen' about being face-to-face with Molly...or any dog for that matter!

As for which month I don't particularly like, I'm no big fan of either November or January, but my birhtday is in February and I also really like Valentine's day now that I have me Sweetheart, so I'm fine with it :o)

The Witch said...

Looks like Molly has found a friend.
Cute picture.
That was nice of you to put out a carrot for the rabbit. I haven't seen too many around this year, I hope the Foxes haven't eaten them all.
We have also had -25 and more with the wind chill. Feb. can't be over soon enough for us.

Leiani said...

I too dislike February, but for the total opposite reason. It the height of summer here, and with 40 degree days it's too hot to go outside to do anything. I haven't taken Charlie to the park in such a long time as it's too hot and the park is dry. Our summer is like your winter, the plants die off and we spend most days hiding away inside. Winter is wonderful here as it's not too cold or wet so we can do more things outside in winter than in the middle of summer. Hope you warm up soon.

Stella Jones said...

February is my worst month because it's usually the most unfriendly. However, so far this month, in Tennessee, it hasn't been too bad (fingers crossed).
Love the picture of your dog with the squirrel watching her.

Evelyn said...

mid december to late January is my least fav time of the year, by February the daylight is getting longer and the sun has some warmth

Rose said...

Probably agree with you...or maybe January for us cause sometimes February does get a bit better. The long, cloudy days do get to me.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...