Saturday, August 8, 2015

Asphalting the road.........

 On Thursday we had the top coat of asphalt (tarmac) put on the roads where we live.  It affected around 120 homes and we were given a couple of days notice.  It took all day to do the area and it was really quite interesting to watch what they were doing.  We of course were very close to the end.  The guys worked well together and each one knew what to do.  

 Now where the guy is standing on our grass that corner is an issue.  Every time it rains or they put the sprinklers on, we have a swimming pool there.  So it should be interesting to see where the water goes next time it rains.  We all think they put the drain in the wrong place.

This is supposed to last 25 years before it needs repaving. 
I stayed in all day, as I figured it was easier than parking my car elsewhere and walking........oh and you know me I am totally allergic to exercise....LOL


Betsy said...

I always find it interesting and educational to watch a process like this. It looks like it was a fairly efficient operation and I do hope they got the drain right for you.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am sure it was fun to watch, but not so much fun to smell. Nothing beats those freshly paved, smooth roads though!

Craig said...

Good that they seem to know what they were doing. Can you imagine doing that hot and dirty work in summer heat? It must be awful!

The Cranky said...

Exercise in heat? ATCHOO!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a Lego scene ! I love your neighbourhood, it looks so quiet; well, when those men aren't around, obviously ! XX

EG CameraGirl said...

I do hope it last 25 years. I would have stayed indoors too, not because of the exercise but because I hate the smell!! But it will be worth it for sure.

Jane and Chris said...

Let's hope the snow plows don't ruin the smooth finish!
Jane x

mamasmercantile said...

It certainly looks like a nice area to live. Lets hop they have the drainage sorted out.

William Kendall said...

It has to be done- but when it's first going down, the smell would drive me away!

Jane said...

Hope it wasn't too smelly!! Our condo complex has just started the scraping up of the old asphalt in preparation for the new to be applied hopefully next week. I'll be glad when it's all done!

Rose said...

If it works the way it does around here, they will have to tear into the pavement for some reason. I kid you not, our street was so rough, for so long. They repaved it a few years ago, and within a year, had done had to tear into it two or three places within a mile.

Then they paved the next street over, and the same thing happened...but it didn't seem to leave the street with such rough patches.

Anyway, I would have been just like you and stayed home.

Stella Jones said...

'Work fascinates me! I love to watch it.' So the saying goes. I would have done exactly the same as you did. Looks like a very nice street where you are living now Gill.

Cat Lover said...

The smell must have been terrible! Glad you finally have a topcoat on your street. The end of our street had new houses put in 5 years ago and they still are waiting for the topcoat of asphalt!

barbara woods said...

hope it last 25 years but nothing is as good as they say it is

Jackie said...

I used to love watching the crews lay asphalt, thanks for the memories.

God bless.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...