Thursday, January 16, 2014

12 Months old and 2 Months old........

Both grand children celebrated milestones this week.  Our little Princess turned a year old on Sunday.  Hasn't the year just flown by?

On Sunday they had a little party for her and this was her birthday cake.  You know those programmes that feature the fancy cakes, well this cake looked like one of those.  It was stunning and it tasted yummy.  It was a chocolate cake with almond butter icing.  Her name means "Having Deep Roots," that is why they made the tree trunk and she loves animals.

Today our Miss Nora turns two months and is a whopping 10 lbs 8 oz.  She was 6 lbs 1 oz when she was born.
The latest craze is "Baby Mugging," and here is Miss Nora's contribution!!!

Friday the 17th of January is 2nd Annual Ontario Blogger's DAY you can read more about it here.  Hope to see you there!


Anonymous said...

Two fine young ones, Gill - it must be so great for you to visit with them!

T'Pol said...

Congrats to both families and little ladies! I wish them good luck, long, successful, happy and healthy lives and only good people to encounter...

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via Rose. What sweet little granddaughters. These pictures are cute as can be! I have a great niece who turned one on Jan. 6!

The cake is fabulous.


EG CameraGirl said...

It's amazing how fast little ones change. Both are adorable!

Aodhnait said...

Two cutie and a gorgeous cake!

Jane and Chris said...

Ah, look at the pair of cuties!
Jane x

Miss Holly said...

What beautiful babies!!!!!!!! So lucky !! All of you...enjoy every minute!

Rose said...

So hard to believe that the Princess is a year old! And Nora is growing, too! They are both adorable!

Anonymous said...

They are the most beautiful girls with such happy smiles and eyes. You are a very lucky grandmom!

And that cake WOW

angela said...

Happy birthday little princess, and a happy two months to mis Nora.
What a fun day, little cuties both xx

Winifred said...

Two gorgeous little granddaughters. Priceless Gill!

Kathy Skinner (Kat) said...

Your granddaughters are adorable, Gill! And that cake is gorgeous!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...