Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Couple of funny things that happened on Tuesday...........

We were stopped at a police check point, as they were trying to catch people drinking and driving......not a problem........though it was only 10:30 am!  The expressions on our face I bet said it all: "Who the heck will be drunk at that time of the morning?"

Went into the Mall and they have moved everything around again........either that or I am getting even more senile!!  Am I the only one that can go to the mall or shopping centre and never find the stores in the same place as you can remember?

 Bloody Hockey season has started, or at least the friendly games.  Baseball season hasn't even ended yet?  Can't stand either sport.  However I wanted to show you how far I will go to support the Toronto Maple Leafs...............I will buy and eat their donut at Tim Horton's along with the $1 Latte, no sugar please!!


Scarlet said...

They're probably trying to catch the people who are still drunk from the night before. They may appear sober but the level of alcohol in their blood is still way above the limit. They do it over here too - especially around Christmas party season.

Andi's English Attic said...

They move shops around at night.
Just think of all that paperwork the police would have to do if they stopped drivers at night to spot-check drink-driving. Better to do it in the morning so they don't catch anyone.

Evelyn said...

love both sports just never time to watch them, that donut looks full of sugar!

Debby said...

That donut looks like a great way to support a hockey team!!! Drunk at 10:30? might have been fun to stay and watch!! Ha

Jane and Chris said...

I was stopped last year,by a very camp cop. He was so sweet and giggled as he asked me. We wished each other a Happy Christmas and he waved as I drove off. I love country living!
I get lost in Malls,if I went in though a dept store entrance I'd never find my way out.

psychsarah said...

Scarlet took the words right out of my mouth! It's true-the hard core drunk drivers are the ones who get up after a night of drinking and think they're ok just because they've slept a while. They do these checks periodically in my area too. Sad to think that we might be in more danger at 8 am than 3 am!

I never go to the mall anymore, so nothing is ever where I think it will be. Just think of how much of a workout your brain gets figuring it out each time ;)

Rose said...

I can imagine how you felt being pulled that time of the morn. Sad to say they probably caught some people anyway.

Boopnut said...

You are a true sports fan...ha ha!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...