Friday, May 20, 2011

Molly doesn't love me anymore.......

well at least not for the morning, I'm guessing.  As I was laying in bed this morning, I shouted of her and she came to the bedside and I started patting her and scratching her ears.  I then got out of bed and did the same.  I then scooped her up.........well sort of she's 40 lbs so not a light creature and got her into the bathroom and gave her a shower.

She's been miserable because of all the wet weather we have been having, as she hates getting wet.  Then she looks even more miserable when she sees me getting ready for work; so for me to give her a bath that was just the icing on the cake of a rotten week for her.

Her skin is probably the worst I have seen it.  She does have small patches of fur missing on her back.  Luckily the rest of her fur hide it, plus one of her ears is bright red again.  Mind you I took her on a car ride last night to the garage as a treat.  However she is a pain in the car and sheds everywhere with all the excitement!!

If you are reading blogs from people in Southern Ontario the one thing we are all complaining about is the lack of sun and the constant rain.  Well finally yesterday it stopped raining and the sun popped it's head out; well in my neck of the woods it did.  So when I got home from work I was able to cut a bit of the grass.  I had to double cut the front lawn as it is just so long.  I am dreading doing the field as that is knee high now.  However with all this wet weather, you just can't cut the grass without clogging up the mower.

I am getting on like a house on fire.  It's 7:30am, and I have bathed Molly, had a shower myself, changed our bed, cleaned both bathroom, had my cereal and am just finishing off my cup of tea.  There is a load of laundry in the washer, so as soon as that is finished I will hang that out.  It's as foggy as heck, but hopefully it will clear up later on.  I want to nip into town to get some grocery shopping and do the banking; get back home and do some cleaning and then head into the garden.  So another busy day ahead of me.

Have a Fabulous Friday everyone!!!


~Carla~ said...

Awww...poor puppy! ;) lol! She'll get over it!

It looks beautiful here today!! Lots of sun & warmth today! Supposed to hit 20!! :)

Jane and Chris said...

Poor Molly!
The washing is out right now, but I don't think it will be out for much longer ,looking at those skies. We were in the veggy patch yesterday evening...the mozzies are back!!!!!
Jane x

Valerie said...

Have a super day yourself, and may Molly find something to please her now that the bathing is out of the way.

Scrappy quilter said...

Poor Molly and her allergies and horrible weather. Hope she gets better soon. You've had a busy day so far. Hope the rain stops. We've had some beautiful weather here and we are praying for no more rain for awhile, until the rivers go down and the farmers get their fields planted. Hugs

angela said...

Poor Molly, but at least it will do her good. You are a busy little bee full of energy. See what happens when the sun comes out. Have a great weekend

Kevin Surbaugh said...

Can you send some of that rain down here to Texas. Thanks

Rose said...

You sure were one busy lady the morning you wrote this! I love it when I get up and have a good start to the day, though.


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...